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  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 146 seconds  
  2. What guy the guy on your shoulder ? 555
  3. No it wasn't and your protestations are quite revealing pretty pathetic "He was found to have engaged in insurrection by a court" . that was my statement my statement is correct $1000
  4. Courts don't claim they find - they found he engaged in insurrection, that was my statement that statement is correct. The Colorado Supreme Court did not bring the suit a voter did based on the 14th amendment . The decision that was stayed was whether he could be on the ballot not whether he engaged in insurrection -which he did.
  5. more like old senile man with nuclear codes, joke of the world, shi.tting his pants in front of international dignitaries Who is Donald Von <deleted>tenz pants?
  6. They didn't reverse the insurrection they said he couldn't be kept off the ballot by a state . My statement was he was held by a court to have engaged in insurrection that statement is true.
  7. I smell desperation " ‘Idiot,’ ‘Dope,’ ‘Moron’: How Trump’s aides have insulted the boss" author Rebecca Morin
  8. Colorado Supreme Court Anderson v Griswold
  9. Now you don't know the definition of welched . . I didn't post any false claims and all you have to do is go back to our original dialogue I have $1000 that what I stated and you said was false is true.
  10. Says a guy that posted trash . leftist is that your go to word? I still have the $ 1000 bet offer it will be easy to win against a leftist.
  11. oblivious to the meaning of the word insurrection another tenet of Magats
  12. you're trash another staple of Magats very afraid of intelligent women , insecure around independent women
  13. Can't handle the truth a staple of Magats
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