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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. Yeah man hell y'all should be able to drop the N word whenever you want the hell with PC ! I have a great idea take a flight to Philadelphia rent a car drive about 10 minutes to Chester Pa say 5th and Fulton get out of the car and yell hey N's I'm sick of Political correctness and I'm not going to take it anymore ! Give us a full report when you get back
  2. She was burned at the stake because insecure men feared her answer the phone.
  3. 82 years old ,82 years old ,82 years old. He looks unbelievable in the photo. What are the ages of the "married" couple?
  4. Only if it was in Russia and he put the fix in but you certainly admire murdering Fascists don't you? I was correct the f is for Fascist.
  5. Frankie try some facts stop wishing that little Vlad stood up to Barack (he would need a step stool ) post a fact Frankie try it MR P for punk a$$ biotch See what I did there Frankie -watch
  6. Yeah the Aussies seem fine for the most part. I like that Good morning show
  7. Never watches it but has mentioned it 4 or 5 times already. You're on a roll !
  8. Calling out entails substance -you more like wailed ,whined ,etc.
  9. Members can post the truth about public figures Frankie give it a try
  10. Obama punked little Vlad Are you the only person on here that posts lies ? Rhetorical and Vlad was more afraid of Hillary hence he helped donnie in the 2016 election and he is helping him now. Today's challenge for Magats post a fact. Word on the street is that after Obama punked him he had to change his briefs and ordered a poisoning of one of his underlings because he felt so emasculated.The little Russian bully got owned.
  11. What do you mean by accept Frankie? Do I think donnie won the battleground states ? probably Do i think his campaign colluded with a enemy of America and shared polling data ? Absolutely Do I think donnie is scum and a traitor -yes Would I volunteer for the firing squad for the orange one -yes it would be a honor.
  12. If he was saying the same things about Biden he would be lying. Logic 101 how did you do in that class?
  13. Maybe they are alcoholic nut? Or maybe donnielovers /Fascists can't handle the truth because Robert is speaking the truth .
  14. He isn’t the average by any means. Thank You !!! You're one for two ,why is it right wingers engage in childish insults when presented with facts? Because they don't have facts on their side. As for the GED comment , i will wager my education level surpasses yours by two levels.
  15. Rooted out another non - American it's messed up because we have too many dumba$$ Rightwingers Pass the beer nuts Monty.
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