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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. a trailer house is a mobile home a pre fab is not
  2. Very nice ! Can i shoot you some questions?
  3. The second photo is what we call a knockdown in America usually on a piece of land that is valuable hence they knock down the house and put up a mansion. Top photo is apparently what they call a knockdown in Thailand . So the top one but bigger.
  4. there are some on this website and they aren't American wonder if may not happen but you are certainly rifght about half the population maybe 60%
  5. i think the Q guy is in the Phillipines
  6. Anyone have any experience with them?
  7. do you have vent pipe ? Ptraps for the drains?
  8. you're obsessed with saying anyone that disagrees with you is a drinker projection?
  9. Nope it was the increased desire for profits
  10. This was already covered wasn't it? Mr Anon is his name but I didn't know the person assaulted was a woman what a POS unable to edit
  11. Obviously you weren't taught the simplest of American race relations.
  12. Methinks you don't think .He's an ugly insecure wannabe Fascist.He's a threat to being handsome
  13. ok, so your sewage system is akin to an American septic tank and then drain field except your second tank takes the place of the drain field i just read your response so the bottom of the two tanks is open???
  14. "unpopular words" Tell me you have no idea of American history in two words.
  15. Yeah how come when they go down the street everyone turns and looks at them?
  16. Third photo why all the rebar? outdoor kitchen very nice what did that run you? So Im guessing the concrete rings go on top of one another and that is your holding tank for sewage kind of like a big manhole?
  17. Yeah quote Bruce Jenner to attempt to make a point ,now that's some drivel. Try again ,nah don't bother Yes I'm sure you speak for the AA Community.
  18. Do they put crushed stone under the concrete? I was thinking 12.5 cm of crete and 4 inches of stone -wire mesh? Also in the mountains what do they do large water tank i'm guessing ? For sewer do they have what we would call tile fields (seepage beds) America ? Or do they install holding tank and pump it out every so often?
  19. Seems pretty accurate. electric in a foreign country -brave.
  20. Let the GOP handle it Joe they love Israel.
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