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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. Biden navigated it keeps exceeding expectations BREAKING NEWS Hiring in the U.S. was unexpectedly strong in May, with 272,000 jobs created, reinforcing signs of the economy’s health. NYT
  2. try a little research they weren't talking about the existence of the laptop they were talking about the emails it's the new push by the right wing because the laptop was used in court the other day - they fail to mention that the FBI has had the laptop since 2019 they have no evidence that Joe Biden lied about anything regarding the laptop (the "emails were supplied by Rudy G you know the guy that tried to help with the coup") they do little if any research just take BS and run with it. The intelligence agents We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement,” the letter reads. But, it continues, “there are a number of factors that make us suspicious of Russian involvement.”
  3. Yes i'm so much in denial that in my post I state that the FBI had the laptop in 2019. Try some research
  4. Yes it leads to highest standard of living in the world.
  5. you and the R's are not very good at research The FBI had the laptop in December 2019 Your article "Gym Jordan " is talking about 2020 FBI already had the laptop Did I miss the laptop inciting an insurrection at the Capitol
  6. it will be Hua Hin
  7. You're conversing with a person who earlier proclaimed he wasn't a drumpf supporter but he is .
  8. circle jerk for misinformed Magats (redundant)
  9. Self explanatory to whom? Golly Gee I make up silly posts and silly names but no one understands my incoherent rants. Hunters laptop ,Russians ,2020 election WTF?
  10. TDS retort lacking substance because insurrection is indefensible.
  11. Is English your second language ? Biden used Hunter's laptop in the 2020 election to do what; cast a spell on voters? WTAF? What the hell are you trying to say?
  12. The pro global warming scientists made the planet hotter so they could gain more control! It's pretty hard to post such crap. 127 degrees JFC
  13. there was non phony scandal Flynn was working for another country -duh
  14. I would #### someone doing that to a golden bastards
  15. https://www.cleveland.com/news/2024/03/our-trump-reporting-upsets-some-readers-but-there-arent-two-sides-to-facts-letter-from-the-editor.html
  16. The former president incited an attack on the Capitol while he was president .Execution would be an appropriate sentence.
  17. Awww you're taking your White Supremacy flag and going home BYE BYE
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