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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. Partisan SC is a huge problem for lovers of Democracy Alito and Thomas are despicable.
  2. I've read your posts " billionaire with many beautiful women " "can't wait till he's elected revenge will be awesome" PP I discussed the topic your hero is a criminal.
  3. Now it's a kangaroo court ? You are desperate ,do you know what a Kangaroo Court is? Do you know that Donnies lawyers got to pick the jurors?
  4. What exactly should Hillary have been prosecuted for? Do you think the other government official that did the same thing should be prosecuted? What do you think about the classified materials at Mar -A Lago ?
  5. He will NOT go to prison on these charges .If the judge has any guts it will be house arrest at Mar a Lago if he violates maybe Civil War.
  6. 17,000 votes in 2016 Why would the R's want to abolish the EC ? They would never win a Presidential election and they despise democracy. Biden and the Dems can't abolish it the R's hold the House and most State legislatures My idea of Democracy would be one person one vote ,traitors and seditionists are executed.
  7. It was 17,000 votes in 3 states and what did we do about it? Nothing
  8. I know it was a play on the Georgia 11,000
  9. Awww your hero is a fing criminal
  10. Predictions are especially difficult when you don't understand the US Constitution Biden can't change the Electoral College.
  11. no but the person you responded to is still clueless what's the political affiliation of the 12 jurors ? He doesn't know
  12. He wont get a majority so why would we deserve it?
  13. Maybe [Trump] can call the jurists and say find me 11 votes?
  14. Translation you have nothing to dispute the adjectives didn't even give it a try because it would be futile. Typical them thar facts are funny things. Come on Magats do better
  15. Fully investigate a lie ? That will take 1 minute - Now is he going to fully investigate his role in trying to rig it? Doubt it Only an enemy of American Democracy and the Constitution would support this crook. I guess that's why Russia and China support Don's election. "Unlike last time, he knows what to do and how to do it - last time they delayed him and then blindsided him - never again." Cripes what an absolute joke pathetic.
  16. first time he got a majority of the votes from the people
  17. inciters of an insurrection against Democracy are a danger to society. He is a rapist ,a seditionist ,a traitor and a serial liar (which apparently you don't like liars)
  18. So 7 people liked your comment that is somewhat remarkable the Third world Banana Republic was on 1/6/21 not yesterday. You are guilty of the delusion and the nonsense. "the media" I watched the video of a whining loser incite an attack on the US Capitol then as CIC he did nothing to protect it. That's third world BR BS
  19. Yeah another sniveling coward candidate except for 3
  20. Every accusation is a confession "Lock Him Up"
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