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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. She could care less about your sympathy and she is not profiting from her criminal activities ,
  2. When is your book coming out titled "A Nattering Nabob of Negativity" ?
  3. You think ain't is from a copy and paste ? try again
  4. Social Media -are you are registered Republican or a Russian? TIA
  5. Yeah once again you're clueless America's enemies are actively engage in helping the orange one win -China and Russia -so there goes your talking point.
  6. You're full of s##t and you are the person asking about "democrap " talking points as you trot out the same crap every day.
  7. I looked at the poll ,unfortunately for the 40 % of Americans that care about Democracy it might be done. I watched Putin strut through his "inauguration" and the fools in calm adulation applauding him. This will be America next year. 10% of American voters say they will vote for RFK jr. 36% for Biden 11% undecided. Young voters are disenchanted with Biden's handling of Gaza -think about that -so they are going to support either by voting for R's or not voting a party that is lockstep with Netyanhu . When the SC gets two more NAZIS on it they will lament the further erosion of their rights and then blame the Dems for not running a stronger candidate ,all the while the R's will vote for a babbling idiot that orchestrated an attack on the Capitol and then as CIC did nothing to protect it.
  8. You approve of mob rule. You don't approve of Democracy. What does that make you politically?
  9. So how many times have you pointed a gun at someone?
  10. it's designed not to be effective "factions" James Madison . The majority of Americans are controlled by a minority of Americans if you look at congressional representation.
  11. They are short on substance and long on Misogyny.
  12. It's because almost all bills originate in the House and the speaker is in charge of what bills come up and who is on the committees . the Speaker position is far more powerful than the Senate Majority leader. Sam Rayburn ,Henry Clay ,Joe Cannon.
  13. More both sides crap . For not being all there he's doing a pretty good job and he's not a whining seditionist.
  14. Why don't you run ? "walking dead" they are both in good physical shape
  15. What a joke . It's not a good thing to support a coup attempter for president.
  16. what needs to be proven for a fiancee visa?
  17. You heard all kinds of stories about a 27 year old that graduated from Archmere Academy and the University of DE and was a public defender. What stories? If you were a Vietnam Vet you took a oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic one of the candidates is an enemy of the Constitution one is not. Do you know these stories about Biden? https://millercenter.org/president/biden/family-life
  18. Yeah Biden is the corrupt one ,not the one that an IRS audit found cheated the government out of 100 million dollars not the one that is on trial for fraud ,not the one who incited an insurrection. Interesting I worked for a long time near Hockessin and Biden was extremely popular with the folks. So popular he won a local election as a write in to start his political career .The nation doesn't want it's problems fixed Jimmy Carter addressed this many years ago -voters want their problems fixed. As for your personal insight in 1969 Biden was a public defender and then was recruited by the Republican party but he did not like the racial policies of the R governor at that time ,he registered as an Independent but then eventually switched over to the Democratic Party. Quite the bad guy in 1969 ! "I realized how bad Biden was long before he ever got to the higher positions" How did you come to this realization?
  19. Marjorie told him it was also and undercover agent disguised as donnie that incited them.
  20. Doubt SC would take his case
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