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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. Yep but if you look at the comments on here you can see why she lost - insecure males .Add in the self loathing of white women and you get DJT.
  2. Bravo to a coward "bone spurs" he didn't take a moral stand he doesn't have any morals. Enrollment figures WTf are you talking about ? Hey Frankie you never listed those battles the American military lost . back in the day people din't know better now we have all kinds of experts on you tube much better than Walter Cronkite ,David Brinkley ,Woodward ,Bernstein .Frankie is a funny man.
  3. Non- American spouting untruths about our Constitution ,it is not meaningless it determines the EC winner in each state . Maybe take an online class?
  4. "you'd have realised how propagandised you were," Frankie describing himself
  5. Get lost , hopefully the drumpf train goes off a cliff with him on it. You don't have the slightest idea about Democracy or Fascism. All you have are worn out cliches because there is no substance or truth available in your weak arsenal.
  6. Another insecure male -is that why you are in Thailand ? rejection 555 posting photos of women that scare him ha Frankie doesn't understand the Electoral College .He's very busy posting childish names for a woman he feels threatened
  7. Another insecure male -is that why you are in Thailand ? rejection 555 posting photos of women that scare him ha
  8. Frankie he/hag lonely bitter fellow I don't have time to explain to you how 17,000 votes decided the Presidency and certain areas were targeted with Russian disinformation which actually worked and swung the battleground states to Comrade Donnie .Do you ever research anything ?
  9. genius thinks Obama was old enough to serve in Vietnam
  10. Hmmm my photo was of Epstein and donnie -you have trouble logically following a thread don't you?
  11. Communally ? Christ if you are going to pretend to be a Psychologist use the right fing word is English your primary language ? TDS you have it the cure is to get off your knees HA
  12. Sure Garland Mr Intensity the gaslighting is by sedition supporters. I don't accept apologies from sedition supporters so save it for someone who cares. "Manafort shared Trump polling data with Ukrainian associate: court filing Konstantin Kilimnik has ties to Russian intelligence." Politico GOP led committee Senate panel finds Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. election Politics Aug 18, 2020 4:49 AM EDT WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump campaign’s interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 presidential election posed a “grave” counterintelligence threat, a Senate panel concluded Tuesday as it detailed how associates of Donald Trump had regular contact with Russians and expected to benefit from the Kremlin’s help. NPR The truth shall set you free Hey we lost let's try to rig the election Arizona Charges Giuliani and Other Trump Allies in Election Interference Case By Danny Hakim and Maggie Haberman Those charged included Boris Epshteyn, a top legal strategist for Donald Trump, and fake electors who acted on Mr. Trump’s behalf in Arizona after the 2020 election.
  13. Is that Bill and Epstein pointing out young girls to prey on? "Why won't that evil women just die?" Perfect example of the bitter trash that are allowed to post on this website but when they are called out others rush to their defense stay classy indeed
  14. Noe Frankie is confusing Muhammed Ali with donnie T
  15. Not only did i write it I meant it.
  16. And ? I didn't brush it off when it counted but you folks are brushing off the same (one found guilty in court) charges against drumpf. Bill Clinton isn't running for President.
  17. You're so fing confused he didn't go to Vietnam because he's a lying coward ,now he wants to be Mr Patriotic -it's him who needs to make his mind up .(he already has ) it's me first with donnie. Frankie he called military personnel suckers and losers not you. in a battle the US military rarely loses ,the will to win at home is a different story. US didn't lose to anybody in caves and we withdrew from Vietnam because of chickens$$Ts like Donnie. Go ahead and point out a battle in the last 50 years the US military has lost . Our military is the finest fighting force in the World. Now should we have been in these wars ? That is another discussion.
  18. What hoax? legit presidents campaign manager don't share voting data with Russian intelligence agencies. Traitors do.
  19. oh they have a morality clause in there?
  20. Why don't you document some of LBJ's corruption
  21. there is no global war "cronies" another non -American how many inflations?? the money handed out by the drumpf and Biden administrations helped cause it however under Biden the US had handled inflation better than any other First world country.(ex Japan) There you go
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