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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. A recent poll conducted in Phitsanulok surveyed 100 Thai men and women and they were asked to list their top 3 complaints /annoyances with Farangs. The top three answers in rank order are listed below 1- arrogance 2- a false sense of superiority 3- large beer guts
  2. Thanks do you work for the Food channel? Really appreciate the input.
  3. PS -you look for another doctor ,I'm fine with mine.
  4. I have become aware that(some) posters on here also do double duty as snide arrogant censors ,duly noted and dutifully ignored. Thai food
  5. awesome much thanks
  6. Is it available in Thailand if so where ? I checked online seems hard to find . Thank you for assistance.
  7. Evidence ? Sure- 1/6/21 he incited violence against the US Capitol and Congress ,he contacted members of the Michigan legislature and tried to get them to overturn the Election , as president of the US he did nothing to protect the Capitol as it was being attacked which was his Constitutional duty . He ordered an attack on peaceful protestors in Lafayette Square so he could show off holding a bible. The list is long . There have been no convictions against OJ Simpson for murdering Nicole -he did it. Donnie perpetrated sedition and attempted to overthrow an election but you already knew that . He hasn't been convicted because Americans fear a civil war. You want a link? Google 1/6/21 you will see plenty of evidence.
  8. The only fact you presented was who nominated the judge to the bench-so what? What facts do you have have about judge Cannon ? Here's a fact donnie is a seditionist.
  9. The word being the Constitution ,judges are lifetime appointments ,no bread needs to be buttered. Donnie is a traitor.
  10. Obviously he has since his wife is from the MED , he has been to the MED quite often and made it a point that the Thai diet is superior to the MED diet.
  11. they have been walking in for 40 years invited by the R party that supposedly despises them cheap labor ,destroy wages and unions then blame Dems for it Vulture Capitalism
  12. Think maybe my doctor was right " Thai food is packed with vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. Many of the dishes are loaded with fresh vegetables and packed with protein for a nutritional meal. Several of the dishes that use spices and herbs will also provide added health benefits."
  13. Sounds like you need some Imodium ,typical British attempt at humor non-existent.
  14. Go ahead and check yourself. I would say more but not on this site.
  15. 6.8 kg all my food is home cooked all fresh vegetables shrimp yes rice and noodles.
  16. Little harsh no? Can't stand flip flops, I wear sneakers everywhere but was told by Thai friend and youngest son that if I wore something more breathable it would alleviate toenail issues. I bar hop in sneakers (well not here) does that count as exercise?
  17. Thai people are pretty friendly. Food is good and not fattening. My doctor said their diet is the best in the world? Roadwork crews are not safety conscious. Do they know what a bulldozer is? Why don't they wear sunglasses? Last one -please don't comment on this one it will upset me too much WTH is the story with how some of them treat man's best friend?
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