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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. "No, seriously, (Thai) people are very annoying, but the way to deal with it seems to be to outright ignore them. I say these days that I'm not living here because of Thai people, but in spite of them" did I get the wrong poster ? My apologies if so.
  2. Did you mean go Mr Traitor ? Mr Sedition ? Mr Blabbermouth about nuclear submarines? Mr Witness intimidation? I wouldn't pee on donnie if his heart was on fire - it would be quite a small fire. Maybe he get get Eric to siphon some more money from the kids cancer charity for another self portrait?
  3. Sedition and treason ignite my hate.
  4. You managed your life so much better than them you are in their country complaining about them.
  5. Poor decision ,should have made it 4pm to 1am
  6. Hell no
  7. Sauces in our fridge too -not a fan .
  8. geezus ,i'm a dinosaur
  9. He sounds selfish. He doesn't mention one important aspect of a relationship.
  10. Yes kids without their mother win win NOT
  11. She's always making her Thai food! This has to be satirical what is she supposed to make Italian?
  12. Take this very good advice
  13. Please ignore this terrible advice
  14. WTh do you want her to do? She left her country and family for you. She agreed to leave the kids? "but you have no one to watch them " Is this satirical?
  15. Camus asserts that life has meaning when we live it well and make the most of our limited time on earth. He says that our lives have meaning when we are true to ourselves, take responsibility for our actions, and make the most of our time. Camus emphasizes that we should live our lives with purpose and meaning in mind.
  16. you deserve some enjoyment
  17. "19 years under the ground, digging the black gold," Wales?
  18. If so more evil please especially coffee and mint choc chip.
  19. You mean the photo of donnie saluting the North Korean Generals (laughing at him) was fake?
  20. Ignore the haters .
  21. Well done!!!!!!!!!!!
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