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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. Thanks !
  2. I asked for advice on how to watch NFL and MLB ,not advice on how to craft my post better. I don't want advice from arrogant posters. There are enough civil reasonable people on here that have helped me in the past and don't feel the need to point out perceived flaws in the post. I got wonderful helpful advice thus i am watching the NFL
  3. Thank You!
  4. Seemed the easiest way -it was 35 baht can I stream Phillies?
  5. Thanks -was able to get DAZN will try to get up early and watch them live if possible against Jets.
  6. I was able to subscribe to DAZN it was blocking me because I was using US vpn ,once I removed it -i was fine.Niners are tough. Thanks
  7. I just put a little more thought into it , my conclusion -not interested in your thoughts on my thoughts invested in post.
  8. I want to watch the Eagles games -googled an article that said use DAZN went on their site and it said it wasn't available? What is the cheapest alternative? Any chance i could watch the Phillies to? Thanks in advance
  9. Because they are gutless cowards.
  10. All R's can do is whine and blame.
  11. So? What's the alternative -boredom in your home country?
  12. Previous article said countries with DTA double tax agreement are not affected?
  13. Maybe he's looking for 128? Ugly American ring a bell? Want some whine with your cheese Holmey ? I'm an America my youngest son lives here - food is good ,beer needs work ,people are nice . Shut the front door
  14. Yes tried that was unable to do it -I switched to Mint they told me it would work in Thailand 15$ a month. Thanks
  15. Thai visa Expert
  16. I don't think the 2000 a month was a typo ,please share where you found insurance for 3000 a year Thanks
  17. Thanks -I will give it a look .May I ask what your monthly premium is?
  18. Sammy j you are correct actually seems like it would be cheaper to leave Thailand every 6 months and then reenter with travel insurance -thoughts? Would having a Thai wife help any -just asking.
  19. Per year -that's what I thought the quotes i got were 2,000 per month. I did not elect part B yet .Please elaborate.
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