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Jonny B

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Posts posted by Jonny B

  1. Hi, i will try and keep this as brief as possible, im looking for some advice on the smartest option, preferably the cheapest and easiest options would be best.

    ok im 26, living here on a non o visa for the past 3 years, married to a thai woman for the last 2 years. I sent quite a large sum of money here which was just about every cent i had from my home country to build an apartment block on the land we live which we rent out the rooms. Now the land is owned by my wifes father and we now have 2 apartment buildings and a small house on this land which are all in my wifes name. Now, my wife has put in just as much money into this project as i have and we now also have a loan for approx 3 million baht, so my wife and her family are very good people, not poor or greedy and as i mentioned have put in alot of money into this themselves. For tax and simplicity reasons it was just alot easier to have everything in her name.

    now my main question is just incase something was to happen, dont like to say it, but my wife was to die or just decided shed had enough of me one day, what would be my options? what should i do now to guarantee i could easily regain the money i put in and also does being married automatically give me 50% of what we own here?

    thanks for reading and any help.

    if this is in the wrong section, please move Mods.

    thanks again fellow faranga

    I am no expert, but neither is anyone else who's answered you--I don't want to disagree with the other posters--it is a problem, and in hindsight you didn't do things in the right way, but why hasn't anyone suggested that you set up a contract with a good, probably farang/Thai law firm, and ask your wife to sign saying that you are entitiled to your stake should the assets be put up for sale--I doubt you'd get your cash if they don't intend to sell though--also, whether a Thai wife would sign after the event is doubtful.

    ontact a good lawyer--not us lot.

    I wish you all the best--just for other folks 'thinking' of doing something like you have--pleeaase remember the golden rule--don't bring anything [cash, assets, etc..] into Thailand that you really think that you can't one day afford to kiss goodbye--please.

    yes this is what i was originally thinking, if there is anybody here who has written some sort of contract like this before i would love to hear from you. I think most people here are presuming i am having problems, i am not, everything is fine on the home front, the wife is more than happy to do whatever she can to help protect me and when her and her family have more money in this project than myself i dont see why they would be in such a hurry to take what i invested. i just want some security for peace of mind. yes saving money is good but i will not reach the amount i invested that way, we do plan to do some sort of town house project and sell them off which should return my part of the investment but that may not take place for a couple more years, so some sort of contract would be better for the mean time, if thats possible.

  2. Edonista, no i am not a troll whatever that is and please dont presume i am that dumb to put all my money itno a project that wouldnt be generating a good cash flow with someone i can trust. were not all married to poor isaan bar girls here.

  3. Hi, i will try and keep this as brief as possible, im looking for some advice on the smartest option, preferably the cheapest and easiest options would be best.

    ok im 26, living here on a non o visa for the past 3 years, married to a thai woman for the last 2 years. I sent quite a large sum of money here which was just about every cent i had from my home country to build an apartment block on the land we live which we rent out the rooms. Now the land is owned by my wifes father and we now have 2 apartment buildings and a small house on this land which are all in my wifes name. Now, my wife has put in just as much money into this project as i have and we now also have a loan for approx 3 million baht, so my wife and her family are very good people, not poor or greedy and as i mentioned have put in alot of money into this themselves. For tax and simplicity reasons it was just alot easier to have everything in her name.

    now my main question is just incase something was to happen, dont like to say it, but my wife was to die or just decided shed had enough of me one day, what would be my options? what should i do now to guarantee i could easily regain the money i put in and also does being married automatically give me 50% of what we own here?

    thanks for reading and any help.

    if this is in the wrong section, please move Mods.

    thanks again fellow faranga

  4. isntead of starting a new topic does anybody here now what the All Thailand Tour is? so far i have found there is the PGA Thailand http://www.pgathailand.com/scripts/default...HAI&TABID=2 which told me that only members could play on, i figured a member would be someone who qualified at tour school but then they say only invited foreigners can play in events. There is also the Asean Tour http://www.aseangolftour.com.sg/ whic only citizens or passport holders of Asean countries can play. I do beleive however that there is somethig called the All Thailand Tour which foreigners can play but i cant find any info about it.

  5. i reccommend boxing, not sparring or anything, just hitting the bag, mix it up and do speed intervals, 30 seconds or 1 minute flat out and 30 sec or 1 minute rest, do as many as you can, throwing all different punches. i guarantee u will lose weight quicker than any other exercise and strengthn and tone your stomach muscles.

  6. If you are not limited to Pattaya, the Bangkok golf club has the best practice facilities. The best chipping area and putting green I have seen. The main course is good and is lighted. There is also a par 3 course adjacent to the main course. There are two putting greens and the primary putting green is better than all but a few I have seen in 50 years of playing. The chipping green is huge so a person using the sand bunker will not be affected by others practicing. The bunker is so large and well maintained that I have seen 3 golfers working out of the bunker. The main driving area has grass area but is usually not open to regular patrons. The golf school will use it and it is in great condition. This course is in the northwest corner of Bangkok off the 306. My daughter is a junior golfer and we are relocating to Bangkok from Pattaya specifically for these practice facilities.

    thanks pakboong, sounds great, bit of drive but sounds worth the drive to check it out.

  7. hey, thanks for the replies guys, as i presumed there wasnt much, slo i guess i will stick with bangpagong.

    SPACER - bangpragong riverside g.c is pretty close to the new airport, probably 20 - 30 minutes before you reach the airport. if your coming from pattaya/chonburi just after you pass the rest area on the highway with kfc and mcdonalds on both sides, im sure uve been past it to or from the airport, nway just after u pass that area there is a bridge that goes over thje bangpragong river, immediately after going over the bridge, almost on the downslope of going over the bridge will be a turnoff, take that and follow it, stay in right lane and turn right at lights, just follow that road for approx 3 km, the course will be on your right hand side, will have a u-turn directly in front of the entrance.

    the practise facilities there are quite good, have a very big driving range with both a grassed area and alot of mats, balls are only 20 baht for 40, its often very quite during the week, have a practise green can chip to and a putting green thats in pretty good condition, just a little slow for my liking, but its definately a good place to practise. im there most days when not away.

    about practising while playing its a bit hard as the caddies tend to be a bit impatient to that sort of thing, especially difficult when have people behind you, also i prefer to practise alot and seperate from the actual course.

  8. pattaya, sriracha, bang saen areas. pattaya more for the night life, sriracha and bang saen also have decent night life and not so in your face as pattaya and close to alot of nice courses. mountain shadow, crystal bay, bangpra, pattana sports club, greenwood just to name a few. u should get a pattaya sports club membership first as it gives you some pretty good discounts at most courses.http://www.pattayasports.org/. msg me if you want more info mate.

  9. hi, im looking for the best course around pattaya, chonburi area that has the best practise facilities. I mean a decent driving range that can hit of a grassed area, putting/chipping/bunker area etc that are in good condition and maintained. I currently practise at Bangpagong riverside which has the best facilities ive managed to find so far, just wondering if theres anything better out there for someone that is looking to practise everyday and get to a professional level.


  10. If you want the "island experience" + USA bennies I would suggest that you take a look at Guam.

    There are not a lot of jobs there, I hear...but from what I saw, if you are willing to work, you should be able to find something to do.

    have u tried gold coast, australia, getting pricy though but till more affordable than sydney. plenty of japanese there also.

  11. hi, i am in need of some roof racks and mountings/brackets for my honda civic sedan in order to carry a 5+metre sea kayak. Does anybody know where i could get them fitted around bkk, chonburi pattaya area.

    thanks for your help.

  12. Empire Hotel is a good 20 to 30 minutes outside Bandar Seri Begawan. There aren't any hotels closer than Bandar, so you're probably going to have to stay there. By the way, taxis are pretty expensive in Brunei as everyone of the locals have cars.

    In Bandar, I have stayed at Brunei Hotel and it was ok. Can't recall the room rate exactly but think it was about 100 Brunei dollars or about 2500 baht. There is also a Sheraton Hotel, but the price is probably not that much different to Empire.

    One more thing, sometimes it is possible to negotiate some pretty good discounts with the Empire Hotel. Usually they have low occupancy and are looking to fill some rooms.

    Enjoy your gold and stay out of the bunkers! They are very steep on the Empire course.

    fair enough mate, thanks for the help.

  13. hi, i need to go to the empire hotel and country club for a golf tournament, as nice as that hotel sounds it s a bit out of my budget, does anybody know if there are cheap accommodation options within about 20 min drive of that course and travel options to and from there?

    thanks alot for any help

  14. EEks, Jubilee Diamond is a major rip off....in most cases they do not have a buy back policy! NA dI would not like to comment on their quality and where they actually get their stocks from. They have franchised their operations in many parts in thailand and Khun Viroj (the thai-chinese owner) is having a lot of dissatisfied customers.

    Recommended places in Bangkok:

    a) Taweesin - 3rd Floor Mah Boon Krong, near the Tokyu side. (Will give you a guarantee card with exacts specifications and guarantee a buy back with stipulated price)

    :o Gems Pavillion - 3rd Floor Emporium or Second Floor Paragon.(Khun Top is the owner) - excellent prices,all items certified by GIA or IGS, buy back policy with stipulated prices.

    c) Blue River - Ground Floor, Paragon or 1st Floor Peninsula Shopping Centre - Khun Vibada (Husband was ex-president of the gems association for numerous years.)same conditions as above.

    There are a few more but I strongly recommend the above. Stay away from all counter brands that you fing in department stores as they are highly marked up. They have to give 18 to 32 % of their sales to the department store plus they do not have buy back policies plus they are always using cheap inferior diamonds.

    thanks mate much appreciated

  15. hi, i am needing to buy a diamond ring for my wife and also a ring for myself and would love to hear from anybody who has any experience or advice on where to purchase good quality/genuine jewelery. i live in chonburi so around bangkok to pattaya area is prefered.

    thanks for your help.

  16. hi, anybody know where sells big bikes, as in 600+ cc bikes, sports bikes, sport tourers, choppers etc. im particaularly interested in a new model honda CB 1300. Do they have any honda, yamaha etc dealerships here that sell them. any info would be much appreciated.


  17. just to let you guys know that i ended up eating at the outback steakhouse in bkk at the siam centre area, its an aussy based restaurant and i believe the meats were from there, we were more than happy with the food and the price, i had a steak and g.f had the ribs, were both happy with the meals and portions we got.

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