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Everything posted by K2938

  1. Difficult to say. Could be true, but could also just be an impression based on reading this forum where most of the participants are people already living in Thailand. And this program is brand new, so again most people first hearing about this will be people already living in Thailand
  2. You save 1 MM THB. And it is not only 200k THB as you do not need to keep 800k THB in the bank at a close to zero interest rate for LTR
  3. And do you also get an email saying you have a notification or do you constantly need to login to the system to check yourself if you have a notification, like every day?
  4. I would suspect that most probably the BOI does not know because these rules were drawn up by people who do not know much about any of this and have no idea that Jeff Bezos or Warren Buffet for example basically have no taxable income because that is how they structure their affairs which rich people can. But at the same time I would hope the BOI can be educated and is open to learn as time goes on. So just explain things and hope for the best
  5. The tax return requirement seems pretty silly as truly rich people generally pay very little taxes as they have enough money and options to structure their affairs such that this is the case. Also, there are enough jurisdictions where certain income types are tax free so somebody could have a huge income while only showing very small taxable earnings and the same person living in two different jurisdictions could have hugely different taxable earnings depending on the local tax laws.
  6. What are your data security concerns? That the likelihood of you becoming victim of some criminal activity in Thailand increases if it is known that you are not exactly poor? Is this not really already known anyway from the fact that as a holder of an LTR visa you must have an annual income of at least 80k USD, so the additional risk from submitting this is rather small?
  7. Same for me. Only got the robo auto reply two weeks ago about an answer allegedly forthcoming in 1-3 working days and that was it.
  8. While not perfect, a current air quality index of 80 in Hua Hin does not seem so bad https://aqicn.org/station/thailand/hua-hin/ทม.หัวหิน-ต.หัวหิน-อ.หัวหิน-จ.ประจวบคีรีขันธ์-กอ.รมน.ประจวบคีรีขันธ์/#/z/14 Phuket makes up for the better air quality with lots and lots of rain
  9. How did you "query" the LTR folks and actually get an answer, please? They seem to be too busy to answer emails or even pick up the phone. Or this was a very long time ago?
  10. Is there any way to get around the requirement for in-country Non-O (Retirement) of "Rental Agreement between the Applicant and the Landlord ; A copy of house registration. Location map of the house and a rental receipt Past three months." (point 6 of the required document list from Thai Immigration, https://www.immigration.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/9.FOR-RETIREMENT-PURPOSES-50-YEARS-OLD-NON-O.pdf), please? Since for the first year or two I would for long periods not be in Thailand, I would not really want to spend the money for a permanent rental, but at the same time would want to avoid problems for entering Thailand too frequently visa-exempt.
  11. This is strange as the application form for Wealthy Pensioners explicitly mentions work income as one form of income for this (https://ltr.boi.go.th/documents/Wealthy-Pensioner.pdf; part B, question 1 (2) )
  12. Malaysia has abolished this, Vietnam does not have any long-term/retirement visas and the Philippines is a rather dangerous place.
  13. Just to clarify: Did you have to show the actual drawdown or would it just be sufficient to show the amount in the account for potential drawdown? And did you actually get approval based on this or are you saying that you would expect approval based on this, but have not received approval yet? Thank you!
  14. Does anybody know if the 100,000 USD for the health insurance waiver can also be in stock exchange investments? It would be very costly to hold so much in cash given how low the yield on cash is
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