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Posts posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. 18 hours ago, Tug said:

    I’m sorry but I feel that comment is really uncalled for the island was experiencing extreme winds and dry conditions they do not have access to big city fire equipment being a small rural island the conditions were so bad that helicopters couldn’t fly meanwhile we have 67 dead Americans and many homes lost not to mention god only knows how many beloved pets family histories ect ect a deeply sad day on that beautiful island my condolences to the bereaved 

    Doesn't change the fact that the island ecosystem has been mismanaged for decades... the best solution is prevention... not condolences.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    I forget all about the death threats that Hunter Biden repeatedly posted. I can't seem to find any via google. Could you share with the rest of us links to those? On the off chance that they don't exist, could you explain why your mention of Hunter Biden isn't ridiculous? 

    If you would open your eyes... my comment was about the fbi serving a warrant to a man still in his own home... he was not a threat at the time until they arrived enmass.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    So, if the FBI attempts to serve a warrant, it is permissible to threaten them with weapons? Waco was, in effect, a hostage situation. That wasn't the case here.

    There are ways to serve a warrant that doesn't involve a "gang" of agents rushing the property...  for instance no "gang" served Hunter his warrant.

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  4. Being brought up by mommas who filtered everything for them... there are those who pine for a filter button rather than decide for themselves what they click on and do not click on... sad for them... I hope that they find their "safe place"

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  5. 21 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Very funny. We received almost no mail for 18 months, and it eventually transpired that the postman thought that actually delivering the mail was too much work so he burned it. Not just mine, but that of those in several villages in the area. Was he arrested? No. He was close to retirement so he just left, no doubt on full pension. He was replaced by a member of our family so now we are certain to receive our mail. I read of another postman who simply took all the mail home with him and kept it in a cupboard.

    You must live in the USA... happens all the time everywhere... not only post office but UPS as well... especially around Christmas time

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  6. 5 hours ago, roamer said:

    You can look at it how you choose but it's no coincidence that the amount of passengers denied boarding for "irregularities" has increased dramatically in line with the increased amounts of compensation airlines have to pay passengers for not allowing boarding. Overbook a long haul flight by 10 seats, not uncommon, and that's 6000 Euros owed in compensation and there are an ever increasing load of claims companies out there happy to take on your case. Hence airlines increasingly looking for ways to avoid paying out on overbooked flights. Point is that a less than 100% correct ticket/passport/visa is far more readily pounced upon when a flight is overbooked than when it isn't.

    Also the "photo" was not the issue here, it's not even a photo, on this issue of passport it's printed onto the page beneath the laminate, can't be substituted and also printed on the facing page as in the image below from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/basic-passport-checks/basic-passport-checks-accessible

    Qatar were just trying to avoid paying out for overbooked flights, end of.




    Whether or not boarding was denied due to overbooking maybe this could be a teachable moment for the girl to take better care of her passport... it does not belong to her... it is an official document under the control of the government... she is merely the holder of the document.

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  7. 16 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    Is sunlight a problem?


    But here's another case of the right wing not being able to keep it's ducks in a row.



    "The four liberal Sunday morning news shows, which historically recapped the biggest political news stories of the week, completely avoided the Devon Archer testimony that further fueled more questions into President Biden's involvement in his son Hunter's business dealings." 

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