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Posts posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. 34 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I am not an American, and I am not a women. 

    I am confused why many Americans seem to be obsessed with anti abortion. 

    What is so difficult about letting women decide themselves what they want?

    And if every life matters so much, why do they have the death penalty over there? And why so many deadly crimes? And why don't they support the mothers of those unborn babies to be able to raise them in a healthy environment?

    What's the point of having unwanted children with (single) parents who don't have the money and/or the patience and time for those kids?


    Maybe all those religious people should not only talk about the bible but also live and support people in need.

    The two main reasons are money and religion... the anti abortionists do not want to pay for abortions nor do they condone murder of a fetus based on religious doctrine.

  2. 19 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

    Recent polling finds the six-week abortion ban is not popular among Florida residents of either political party. A University of North Florida poll in March found 75% of 1,452 respondents said they either somewhat or strongly opposed the six-week ban. That included 61% of Republicans.



    You do know that the UNF is in Jacksonville... right

  3. 1 minute ago, nigelforbes said:

    If you had been invested in gold since 2006 you would indeed have done well, the question is, were you! But the point you try to make about investing in the stock market is untrue. Typically, a good quality equity investment fund will double in value every five years, that means equity fund returns could easily have tripled over the same time frame..

    I love the words "typically" and "good quality" and "could have"... my gold did... my other investment accounts ok but not triple... and have lost considerable value since your hero Joe has been in office.

  4. On 4/11/2023 at 3:48 PM, heybruce said:

    Do you understand what I mean when I state that an economy has difficulty growing faster than the money supply?  Do you understand that just as too much money chasing too few goods causes inflation, too many goods competing after too little money causes deflation?  That when this happens people have no incentive to invest in anything other than gold, causing an economy to freeze up?  Do you understand that an economy freezing up is a very bad thing?


    One of the big drivers of the Great Depression in the 1930's was production exceeding the fixed money supplies.   Before World War One much of the world's production capacity was in Europe.  The war shut much of that down.  During the war other parts of the world ramped up production to compensate.  These new producers kept producing after the war ended and the European producers started producing again.  Total global production increased dramatically, however with currencies fixed by the gold standard the money supply couldn't be increased to accommodate.  Prices plummeted below the cost of production forcing producers out of business.  It was very bad.  That's why countries left the gold standard.


    If all this is beyond your grasp, you shouldn't be commenting here.


    BTW:  The price of gold isn't being suppressed, it floats freely.  If you think gold is better than money, then by all means buy gold.  Nobody is stopping you.

    In 2008 I did just that... gold was $750/ounce... look at it now

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    These 34 counts are basically about 9 payments - but have been made to look worse by the DA. They are like knowingly receiving an invoice, writing a cheque, having a cheque stub and entering the payment in a ledger - so 4 counts for 1 event. No sane DA would be listing charges like this - basically its like prosecuting someone for drink driving on 4 counts - 1, getting into the car drunk, starting the car up drunk, pulling away from the curb drunk and then driving drunk ! Totally insane.


    There is no 'hard' evidence against Trump.


    The payments were made by Trumps accountant (main witness) who said 1. Trump knew nothing about the payments and 2. said Trump paid him back in payments that he knowingly received as 'retainer' fees !


    I support (sort of) Trump, but would support any prosecution that had a chance of being actually being won against him. 


    The indictments continue to say he did all this to hide another criminal offense - but the DA will not say what it is or put it in evidence/charges.


    This is a total joke of a prosecution, that statutes of limitations has expired - or the DA ran away before he would explain how it was still live.


    I fully expect this DA to end up in a homeless shelter one day.






    Ak K-rob... seems like he has all the real facts and everyone else is incorrect

  6. 17 hours ago, eisfeld said:

    Of course not, why would Agoda care what kind of card you paid with to decide if they should refund you or not?


    Unfortunately credit cards increase the prices for everyone. Where do you think the cashback/points come from? The card networks charge a fee to the merchant who in turn has to increase the prices. And because the merchant either can't differentiate between debit and credit card or doesn't want to put different prices on different payment methods he just increases the average selling price. These credit card processing fees can be as high as 3-10%. I know because I've worked on the merchant side.

    No longer true for most transactions by credit or debit card users... especially here in Thailand.  The card user is charged the service fee on top of the amount... usually 3% 

  7. Vietjetair charged me for tickets and the flight was cancelled... they wanted to issue a voucher instead of a refund... I told them no and messaged my card company... the refund was issued... have never heard of a card company not getting a refund issued.


    On a side note... has anyone ever really gotten Agoda cash back... I always apply for it but have never received one penny.

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