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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Go ahead... say it... the hateful terroristic muslims will never agree to anything but the destruction of all jews... then comes you... the white man... then the christians... etc etc etc.
  2. NO it is not... 5 Vaping Facts You Need to Know | Johns Hopkins Medicine
  3. Her own office reported to her that "70% of the U.S. supply of methamphetamines was coming through the San Diego port of entry on the southern border."
  4. Still beating that dead horse... your reading and comprehension skills match your illiterate jumbled writing skills I see.
  5. I guess your search engines are as big a failure as you are...
  6. Yes... I do tell the truth... you cannot rewrite history just because you want to... Oh wait... you are a democrat so it's ok
  7. You cannot unwrite history... she whored her way through the ranks in the democratic party... fact
  8. So what... rule the masses because of one non-performer... are you a democrat???
  9. Let's eliminate all personal responsibility... oh wait... that's being done.
  10. So I should take advice from you... an even more obscure nobody with a closed mind... right... changed my vote right there.
  11. As it does in almost the entire world... in fact... please name one country that it doesn't
  12. Ahhh... yes, I know... pick your favorite... How does England's literacy compare with other countries? | National Literacy Trust
  13. Do you really believe that... especially after reading one of tug's posts??? The Literacy Crisis in the U.S. is Deeply Concerning—and Totally Preventable - The Education Trust (edtrust.org)
  14. Classic "nanny" stater... what happened to self awareness?
  15. Right... I have no idea how soooo many kids in the more civilized world survived their childhoods without bicycle helmets... safety caps on medicine... etc... etc ad naseum...
  16. When did <removed> become a censorable item? <removed> is a terrible disease.
  17. https://www.yahoo.com › news › hillary-clinton-maintains-2016-election-160716779.html Hillary Clinton Maintains 2016 Election 'Was Not On the Level': 'We ... Hillary Clinton is sticking with her conviction that the 2016 presidential election was not conducted legitimately, saying the details surrounding her loss are still unclear."There was a ... https://www.politifact.com › factchecks › 2022 › oct › 05 › glenn-youngkin › did-democrats-suggest-2016-presidential-election-w Did Democrats suggest 2016 presidential election was stolen? Sep 21, 2022In 2016, 2.8 million more people voted for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton than Trump, but she lost the determining Electoral College vote. During a September 2019 interview on CBS ... https://www.politifact.com › article › 2016 › dec › 17 › fact-checking-claims-voter-fraud-2016 PolitiFact | Fact-checking the integrity of the vote in 2016 Our Sources. Presidential Commission on Election Administration, The American Voting Experience, January 2014 Wired, Hacked or not, audit this election (and all future ones), Nov. 23, 2016 Wired ... https://www.politifact.com › article › 2024 › may › 31 › can-we-compare-republicans-2020-voter-fraud-claims PolitiFact | Can we compare Republicans' 2020 voter fraud claims with ... May 31, 2024Hillary Clinton has contended multiple times that Russian interference in the 2016 election affected the results. Indeed, she told an audience in 2019 that, "You can run the best campaign, you ... https://www.cnn.com › 2022 › 03 › 30 › politics › clinton-dnc-steele-dossier-fusion-gps › index.html FEC fines Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC over Trump-Russia ... - CNN Mar 30, 2022Federal election regulators fined Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee earlier this month for not properly disclosing the money they spent on ... https://www.nbcnews.com › think › opinion › trumps-denial-second-big-lie-ask-hillary-clinton-rcna55764 Trump's denial is the Second Big Lie. Ask Hillary Clinton. - NBC News Millions of GOP voters are primed to distrust the midterm election results. But Democrats need to be honest about the consequences of their actions after the 2016 election. https://www.bbc.com › news › election-us-2016-37922959 Hillary Clinton and the US election: What went wrong for her? Constantly, Hillary Clinton claimed that she was the most qualified candidate. Constantly, she recited her curriculum vitae - her experience as first lady, a US senator for New York, a secretary ... https://www.newyorker.com › magazine › 2016 › 12 › 12 › the-real-voting-scandal-of-2016 The Real Voting Scandal of 2016 | The New Yorker More important, they have turned attention away from the real voting-rights scandal of 2016. This was the first Presidential election since the Supreme Court's notorious Shelby County v. https://news.stanford.edu › stories › 2017 › 01 › stanford-study-examines-fake-news-2016-presidential-election Stanford study examines fake news and the 2016 presidential election Of all the heated debates surrounding the 2016 presidential race, the controversy over so-called "fake news" and its potential impact on Donald Trump's victory has been among the fiercest. https://www.cnn.com › 2017 › 09 › 18 › politics › hillary-clinton-russia-2016-election › index.html Clinton opens door to questioning legitimacy of 2016 election Sep 19, 2017Hillary Clinton, in an interview that aired Monday on NPR, said she "would not" rule out questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 election if Russian interference is deeper than currently known ... More Results
  18. I'm sure glad that someone finally has all the answers... even if he doesn't have the ability to write proper intelligible English... <removed> is a terrible disease.
  19. Begs the question... why do you think that you will need one???
  20. Two pieces of trash living full time at the Miami airport... what could possibly go wrong?
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