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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. This just in... try to stay up to date... you are so last year... "The Jan. 6 congressional committee allegedly falsely claimed it did not have evidence that showed former President Trump’s administration requested National Guard assistance, according to a report detailing a "hidden transcript" that was recently released. "The former J6 Select Committee apparently withheld Mr. Ornato’s critical witness testimony from the American people because it contradicted their pre-determined narrative. Mr. Ornato’s testimony proves what Mr. Meadows has said all along: President Trump did in fact offer 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. Capitol, which was turned down," Georgia Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk said in a statement on Friday. Loudermilk released a transcript of former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato’s interview with the congressional committee investigating Jan. 6 on Friday, following The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway, also a Fox News contributor, reporting, "Former Rep. Liz Cheney’s January 6 Committee suppressed evidence" that the Trump administration pushed for 10,000 National Guard members to be on the streets. Ornato’s interview was conducted in January 2022 and attended by Cheney, among other members on the committee. In addition to serving as deputy chief of staff under Trump, Ornato served in the Secret Service for decades."
  2. NO... I was referring to the meaning of sarcasm and the spelling of "recognizing"
  3. SAD... go away... you are probably one of those bad actors unhappy with his miserable life.
  4. Another "NO ANSWER" to my question... I know that they understand the math... my question is WHY? ANSWER... because they manipulate the data to fit their agenda and fool the people into believing whatever is the flavor of the day... they have ulterior motives that reflect where they want the economy and their profits to be and need to downplay the rocking of the boat... TRANSITORY inflation is affecting the way of life for millions of Americans as they are being mislead... much like NZ
  5. Your original post was an INFLATION graphic... Now you are on about CPI. Even though they are related in many ways they are determined differently in the USA...
  6. Right on... where is the $7BILLION going... no one knows... it's "pork"... that joe and his cabal had hidden in the bill. You have a very narrow view of what pork is... it is a broad term as defined below. PORK... Pork barrel politics refers the legislative practice of slipping funding for a project into a broader budget, even when said project may have little or nothing to do with the larger bill.
  7. DO THE MATH... if you can... when statistical data is either added to or omitted from the formulary the result is skewed in that direction.
  8. I see I am talking about the $7= BILLION (that's correct... BILLION) missing from the allocations listed above... that's the pork in this bill. If you would take the time to investigate before you run your mouth then you would understand more... PS... I am all for supporting our allies... just do it individually without the $7 BILLION "pork" bill.
  9. NO they are not precise they are what the government says and not based on what is actually being paid by the people... Still begs the question of WHY they are left out of formula for inflation.
  10. It is time to stop with the "pork" bills... If you want to fund the border beyond the $25 BILLION that you are already wasting on an out of control border... then fund that project. If you want to send military aid to ISRAEL and the UKRAINE then fund those projects as well.
  11. And lots of new evidence... this just in... Jan 6 committee allegedly suppressed testimony showing Trump admin pushed for National Guard presence
  12. Has it ever been any interest to you that the USA does not include any of the basic living expenses when they put together their percentages...?
  13. That's correct... if joe and the democrapts really wanted to do something they could lead the way and make history by submitting a clean bill... it was the republicans who finally took a stance and said NO to the pork bellied bill joe and his cabal wanted so badly.
  14. What a stupid reply... it isn't even apropos... it's not just 5Guys... real time prices are reaching the doubling factor under bidenomics... what was $12 is now $24.
  15. Stick with the facts... the USA allocated $25 billion dollars for 2024... the "auxillary" bill for $118 billion contained an additional $20 billion for the border security... two takeaways... 1. why not submit a clean bill for $20 billion... and 2. how is the $25 billion not enough in the first place... who's auditing where it is spent... maybe it is on all the airline flights of immigrants being organized and brought in from other countries... so once again a government failure.
  16. Because it their country and they want to know where you are living... see how the bad actors make it harder on the law abiding.
  17. Five Guys customers say its prices are ‘out of control’ (msn.com)
  18. What a moronic attempt to justify joe and his failed border policy... the funds are there to secure the border... and it is not the legislative branch blocking securing the border... they have already passed the necessary legislation to do so... joe and his cabal have chosen not to enforce the laws already on the books... that's not the way "our system is designed to function"
  19. If being anti joe and his border and bidenomics fiascos is considered as promoting trump... then so be it... joe has failed the American population for 50 years
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