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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Stick with what you know... which is nothing... 9-0 is not rigged
  2. So... in your mind... unprovoked ASSAULT & BATTERY is a minor incident... sad There is no "equity" when it comes to crime... one does not mitigate the other
  3. Yes it could be... so stop drinking. PS... it's alcohol not achohol
  4. I already took mine this morning...you should too
  5. I am very familiar with CATO Group... they are a libertarian political OPINION group so you saying that they are factual is the first mistake... just because they have a letterhead does not make them an absolute authority.
  6. So this not so nice character is a big spender so he should get a break... sad So this Thai "doctor" is not yet a doctor so she has no standing as a human being... sad Foreigners in Thailand have legal rights... they just do not have a legal right to commit illegal acts... he should be thankful that he is being sent back to his country instead of to a Thai prison.
  7. So in your mind... ASSAULT & BATTERY is a silly mistake... sad
  8. You are right... BUT criminality is broken down further... while speeding, no helmet, littering are crimes... they are "misdemeanors" and generally forgiven with a fine... ASSAULT & BATTERY is a felony on another person... and demands a totally different punishment.
  9. The propaganda machine worked on you... muslims deny publicly but the reality remains that all terrorists are muslim and they all shout "الله أكبر" as they murder.
  10. So far the reaction to this statement is... 4 confused liberals... 1 sad one... and one happy one... figures.
  11. He was not here as a tourist... and he has a history of bad acting... also not married. Save your bleeding heart for someone who deserves it.
  12. Since Israel is a nonbeliever... thus: The word "jihad" is widely used to describe a war for the faith against unbelievers.
  13. You are one of those victim blamers I see... we are here as guests... and NO... whims of the locals is just not true... what tantrum and bad behavior did the lady doctor display... the only tantrum and bad behavior was by the swissie and he is rightfully a no longer invited guest... he changed his life... not anyone else.
  14. Unlike popular liberal left thinking mitigating events does not change the event that took place... each one stands on it's own... it is so schoolyard to point the finger and say BBBUUT look what Johnny did... equity thinking is the bane of intelligence.
  15. Yeah... there are bad actors everywhere... doesn't diminish what the swissie did and doesn't mitigate what action Thailand Immigration decides to take now does it.
  16. Go back and read the story when you are sober... then ask your stupid question.
  17. So you bumped his car... what led up to you bumping his car... mind you road rage is an ugly thing but it ALWAYS involves at least 2 drivers.
  18. HAMAS did this... the muslim world sat back and let it happen... but wait for the TDS people to blame trump and for the antisemitic people to blame Israel...
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