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Everything posted by borderhopper2005

  1. What happened to the B300-tourist levy they were talking a few days ago to counter(reduce) tourist numbers to the kingdom? Gone with the ministers kicked out of the cabinet?
  2. It is always the least fortunate that is left to fend off themselves. Especially in the 3rd world. Very sad, but true.
  3. The homeless people are usually unwelcome to these premises. Often deterred to enter such buildings(stopped by the security guards). Or they themselves feel reserved to walk in. In most cases, air-cond comforts are for the better-off.
  4. Casuality of the heatwave. Wish for the poor soul rest in peace...
  5. Thank you for your reply. Also for the story of tour of duty in your term. I was still the primary school 1st grader back then... Since my teens, I have always been a keen reader of Viet Nam(Indo-China) War documentaries. Enjoyed talking to you very much. Have a good day.
  6. Hello, nice to talk to the old time veteran. I wonder if you were in the (front line) Marine back then? I heard that those people were given 3 weeks leave once every 3months. Is this true enough?
  7. Another scum from the populist premier. Instead of imposing proper tax on the 0.1% of the super rich in the country, increasing financial burden on expats and ordinary middle-class Thais. I recently started to feel that the previous dictator was even better than him. Democracy does not really mean change for the better here. It often means more non-sense and corruptions.
  8. Risk of child abduction for trafficking is still high in Thailand. That looks like a reason why so many Thai schools send their pupils home in a big group(often by chartered songthaew(pick-up truck taxi/bus) and vans.
  9. Did you know the history of Pattaya? It was originally a sleepy fishing village before 1960s. But rapidly developed for US military's R&R during 1960s(Indo-China War). And the nature of the town still greatly remains unchanged until today. *R&R=Recreation and Rest
  10. Booze Time for sailors. I heard all of US Naval vessels are 100% dry(no alcohol beverages allowed on their ships).
  11. USS Theodore Roosevelt with 5000 people on board. Party time for Pattaya traders is just around the corner. Unlike in some other nations(names withheld), no lousy anti-military protesters here in Thailand. Wish all of their crews have a good time.
  12. CCTV footage suggests she initiated the physical exchange. ---------------------------------------------------------------- It the camera covers the story from the very beginning: She drew the First Blood, not the security guard. Reminds me of the quote by the traumatized war veteran from early 1980s. 0:43
  13. AKA Master Race Myth. I presume they are unlikely to attack any cops back home. Stereo type arrogance exercised by some of those from the 1st world while they are in SE Asia. Being from the richer countries would not give them any legal immunity when they commit a common crimes abroad.
  14. Fucxing SOB. Lowest of the Low-life. Nothing justifies that sort of acts. Hope that beast spends the maximum term in the hellish prison and suffer. Unlike in Norway, no comforts for convicts in Thailand.
  15. A Wrong Man in the wrong place. Instead, put him back to where He Belongs. LOL.
  16. 30 deaths from the heat wave. I bet they are mostly from the poor background; not having air-conditioning at home/work place. It is always the less fortunate that is worst impacted by the environmental changes. Very sad.
  17. Not every foreigner knows this country has mandatory national services. Not every single young Thai men between 17-27 joins military without a choice. But roughly 80000 men are required to go the armed forces(either army, navy, air force). Their conscription is based upon lottery; pick a ball in the Blackbox. If you got black one. you can walk free; no needs to become a soldier. If you got red one, bad luck...
  18. Talking about B300- admission fee to counter over-tourism yesterday. Worrying about dramatical reduction of tourists numbers today? Sounds like a old song. Yesterday All my troubles seemed so far away Now it looks as though they're here to stay Oh, I believe in yesterday
  19. It is usually called Birdbrain. Short-memory to its extremity.
  20. Where is the Over-Tourism Thai cabinet was capitalizing to invent new B300- tourist levy?
  21. Another perfect blooper from the populist premier. It will certainly attract more Russian refugees escaping from Poo-tin's war. What makes him so keen to increase Thai police's workload? They are already so busy busing their Mafia, overstayers, and illegal workers.
  22. Thailand is not facing any eminent military threat from any other nations(unlike Israel and Ukraine). What a waste to conscript a man who is already a successful entrepreneur. Far better to let him work as it is now and keep him a good tax payer instead.
  23. B300 Admission Fee to enter the kingdom? Which tourism body encourages the govt to introduce B300 tourist levy? Just looks like another bonus scheme to fatten Thailand's Already Super Rich privileged 0.1%. With absolutely Zero-transparency, whose pocket will that new rip-off tax earning get into?
  24. Instead, better be arrested and jailed. Intimidating a taxi driver at knife point to dodge the fare is bad enough. Usually, it is deemed a robbery. Why Thai police still keeps that bxtch at large? Just doesn't make any sense.
  25. ASEAN member nations' principal: No interference with internal affairs each other. Thailand might accept refugees from Burma. But accusing their regime is the last thing Thai Govt ever does. Thailand did not take part in economic sanctions (imposed by the West) against their previous military government either. In that respect, their policies have been pretty consistent for decades; in return, Thailand can import large amount of resources(e.g. natural gas) at concessional rates.
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