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  1. at least you can breathe fresh air whilst you're being mugged/stabbed by an illegal. joke honour for a joke 'mayor'
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 85 seconds  
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 50 seconds  
  4. Labour doing what Labour does. No idea of how to stimulate the economy, just tax everything and everyone to the hilt, pander to their union paymasters and massively increase national debt. Same outcome every time.
  5. and there is 'proof?' care to onion me?
  6. who mentioned Trump? i was making the point that Biden was pushed aside kicking n screaming, desperately clinging on to the nomination. in no universe did he 'show good sense and bow out gracefully'.
  7. Great post
  8. Bow out gracefully? Good sense? Dems must live in a parallel universe
  9. true. just one single post stating that particular persons reasons. if each side cant communicate in a civil manner, then no wonder everythings in the mess its in.
  10. thank you. thats the kind of reply i was hoping for.
  11. best advice i was given growing up was 'never argue with an idiot. they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience'
  12. doesnt appear to matter to some on here. i asked a genuine question and instead of factual evidence the whole thread descends into insults. i guess thats the problem in a nutshell.
  13. ooh, so i've been made an explorer member. does that mean i cant be a russian troll anymore? or is that the standard insult to anyone who disagrees with a democrat?
  14. fair enough, thats all true. definitely not right though, i dont like that its viewed as normal, or just the price you may pay if someone doesnt agree with your politics. most of the western world seems to be having a psychotic episode right now, people are just so aggressive, angry and completely intolerant of people with different opinions. and i mean people on both sides of any disagreement. it has to stop.
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