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  1. What about Putin, Trump, Xi, Modi, Lula.....they show us how's working. But I admit, in my basket there are 3 bad apples. Take your pick 😁
  2. Sounds like "Last man standing". Civil courage is probably rare in the next 4 years I'm afraid.
  3. No offense. I know. Many here are indeed very rude. Probably a tonality of bar stool warriers😂. Thank you for this conversation.🙏
  4. The chargers are marked on Google maps even. I find it easy. Every 300km I go for recharge
  5. If your plan your trip it wouldn't be any problems to charge your cars. Same as to fill the tank of your car. Also it's good to have a break after 500km on Thailand's roads. (I do this every 2-3 hours)
  6. It's a job, they pay taxes. So it's understandable to apply for state's benefits. Thank you Belgium👍
  7. Amazingly boring story: you met a prostitute and she will do what/how she can to get you on her lure. Maybe this one is very skillful. 🥱🥱🥱🥱
  8. Yes, Britain should play a leading role. They gave at least land to the Jews where Palestinians lived in peace. Now Britain has the duty to go forward in solving the problem.
  9. I hope they will not join Nato. Or EU. No extension please. Unless we'll declare "United States of Europe" with only ONE representative (President), One parliament, one jurisdiction and one legislation. One official language. That would be a sustainable power between the big blocks. It's my dream but I'm too old to see this coming, if ever.
  10. With a range of 500 km you won't have any problems. And to relax for an hour while charging? Why not? I'm retired. No hassle anymore.
  11. If people envy each other it will create an uproar. Justice and fairness is more important
  12. Don't be desperate. Good things will come to you: Americans created Godzilla, Spiderman, Barbi and Ken. They have Black people, White people, Red People, slit eyes people, Blue Aliens and soon this Orange Man. What are you afraid of now? What worse to come? They will create something new. Believe me.
  13. I'm not sure really if you like to see a millionaire participating of this nonsense

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