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  1. Even they would it's not easy if you compare the air quality(not only 2.5pm) in neighbouring countries. Btw, the govt is willing, starting in BKK probably.
  2. Not with you. Obviously you didn't read the whole story. Bye🥴
  3. I think it's very clear. Do test your Glucose. You can do it by yourself !!!
  4. I've seen many plans in Thailand over the decades. (Latest "Landbridge"). Eventually it's stopped by lack of money 🤗
  5. If you're the richest man in the world you wouldn't care about "friends" or "facts'. With your money and subsequently influence you are able to create your own and by being the owner of the most influential media your own reality and facts and buy friends. Eventually you buy the mainstream or even create the mainstream everybody has to follow or fail. But he can't buy character, honesty or honor or being a philanthropist. He leaves behind him a trail of slime by bootlickers.
  6. 🥴And where's the connection between her beauty and a hut🤔
  7. If you refer to overpopulation: there are many ways of regulation. Look back into history and you know what I mean: WARS. And even after that horrific WW2 it continues. So, don't worry
  8. I like his jokes🤗. He should look at his daughter: how many times she went for a cosmetic surgery! Did it help???
  9. To call this crap a school bus is a joke. And to transport children with this garbage is per se a crime. It's the future of this country. But it's all the same: no safety at all. Very sad, Thailand.
  10. Brain failure by responsible authorities

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