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  1. If you ask your pharmacist he will have the best knowledge
  2. Sometimes to have to simplify a problem to ask the right questions. To get the right angle I inform myself by reading different sources. I prefer an Irish, US, French, UK and German view knowing that the original story is copied several times. Often a government statistic will help, sometimes investigative journalism. Unfortunately only a few are interested on AN to discuss these matters.
  3. "Other" people. So what's your problem if it's not your business??😳
  4. Who said "it's bothering us" ???😳 Not my post, Sir😄 Did you just woke up??🤗 Too early🤣
  5. Good question. However, who determines what are facts??? Facebook? AN? Truth Social? TikTok ? Insta? Wiki? Many truths available. Which is your pick?😳
  6. Obviously there are haters here, who like harassment or stalking or both. To be cautious in posting might be a good advice. Have a good day.👍 Sometimes I stay away from posting on AN, at least for some days.🙏
  7. Oh, you're not finished yet?🤣 Go on, it's amusing, but only yourself I reckon🤣
  8. Yeah, Liz Truss is the right one to fight 🤗🤣😄. Probably it's boring at home just spending her pension as an Ex-PM🤗
  9. Obviously money invested in bitcoins is lost. I'm not sure if staying in a Thai jail for a couple of years is worth to enjoy 800 mill sometimes or never?
  10. And then? What will happen? Is there some money or only bitcoins hidden somewhere? If police will not get the password for the wallet the stashed money/bitcoins will be safe.
  11. I suppose it was an excellent service by this tart. But obviously she was not happy with the meager salary. 🤗
  12. Yeah, we farmers are a plague for the poms, aren't we?🤣
  13. Thank you, right decision ❗

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