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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. Yes, Golf in Ballybunion for decades
  2. Many phones got an emergency button, providing GPS position.
  3. No, not yet. Still alive and walking. A bit senile. But hey, they are both not youngsters anymore 😂
  4. Could be everything same with swimming in the ocean. Plus more excitements: octopus or sharks or snakes aso. Golf is boring though I never met anybody who told me he "hates" Golf. I played Golf in Ballybunion/Ireland for decades. However, there were not really excitements. But the views over the ocean are breathtaking.☺️
  5. The best is by phone I 🤔
  6. You're kidding aren't you? If you would be right....why we have Olympic Games for swimming??? So running, jumping, hurdles.....just showing how good they can do exercises on those Games? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
  7. There are other sports much better, e.g. Swimming.🧑‍🎄
  8. You can't hate objects but dislike. Did you ever heard about a golf club which hates you? Maybe you wanted to express why people DON'T like Golf? Next time use common sense🎄
  9. ???? And where is your point or even question???🥺
  10. Sure, there is peace if you close your ears and shut your eyes. If you think - not my opinion - you can't count local war's, then dig deeper and find out who mainly initiated those "local" wars.
  11. Show it to police. Or file a suit because of defamation?
  12. Probably you are number one to do the execution? With a machete or axe? Thirsty for blood shed? I call it pathetic and inhuman. But sure some behave like animals. Merry Christmas, probably means nothing to you.🧑‍🎄 I'll pray for you
  13. Peace ?????? Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Syria, Gaza, Gaza, Libanon, Bosnia, Congo, Korea, Israel, Ethiopia, Falkland, Panama, Georgia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine.....probably I forgot some. You might add them. And this you call Peace???? I don't. You must be an Alien. Just arrived??😂🧑‍🎄🎄🤣. Merry Christmas 🦌
  14. ...but you don't mean to kill them, do you?🎄
  15. Maximum sound pressure level shall not exceed 115 dB(A). (2) Weighted Equivalent Continuous Sound Level (Leq) for 8 hours shall not exceed 75 dB(A). (3) Weighted Equivalent Continuous Sound Level (Leq) for 24 hours shall not exceed 70 dB(A).
  16. Did she repeat what the weatherman is predicting? Now again your wife. It must be true. Thank you for reminding me 🧑‍🎄😁🎄
  17. There is a question as headline.....but NO answer then. Someone filling pages?🥺
  18. I got Dengue fever once. For me it was not as bad sometimes described somewhere. However, it gave me a hard time for 2 weeks.. Apart from Ibuprofen and drinking water no medication necessary. And no hospital. Bad luck for the Irishman. Hopefully he's not begging for money. Probably he got a travel insurance which will pay.
  19. And where are the news now? That's common sense. I can characterise him in many other words as well🧑‍🎄
  20. Why do you think? Because of tampons in men's toilets? Maybe it's there for those who suffering from hemorrhoids??? 😵‍💫
  21. Same procedure as every year...... I wonder if he can spell "law enforcement"🧑‍🎄
  22. And there are good reasons: COVID, flu, pollution,👍and all other contagious deseases spread by mouth to mouth
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