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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. Yeah, the best to stay deaf .....and dumb....????
  2. Well, in addition, Germans saved more than 20% of energy this year. So there is no need for nuclear power plants.
  3. And you think it's worth to compare forecasts to reality. I prefer reality vs reality.
  4. Where you got that from???? Seems to be absolutely wrong. Check here: GDP Annual Growth Rate - Countries - List | Europe (tradingeconomics.com) Ireland 12% UK 0,6%
  5. It's not all about money if it comes to achievements. Also you can be successful with earning little money. And it's not depending where you're living. Can be in UK, US, France, Italy, or other countries. And I don't know to be honest, it's an achievement getting divorced and father another woman? I can see your podcast more or less as click baits. Sure, it takes more brain to write than to talk. But hey, we can click you away..... if we don't like it. I do now ???? Happy Songkran to you.
  6. sorry to say but your podcasts are not catching. I know it's a kind of fashion...everybody got a podcast. However, I think you shouldn't jump on it. Stay with writing.
  7. vandeventer is not Dutch. He's American, ran away to Australia and settled in Fang. He doesn't have any knowledge of Netherlands.
  8. Finally......he will make Thailand great again. At least for his own benefit. However, big brother is watching, tanks are ready.....
  9. It's indeed a sad story. However, we should learn not to enter a foreign country without health/accident insurance. Also don't put yourself in danger by using dangerous ways of transport. So good luck his family will pay the bills.
  10. eventually lock him up......if he is guilty this time....
  11. Good luck. Set up crowdfunding and let the crowd pay for stupidity. ????
  12. Only theory. In reality just the opposite.
  13. nonsense. It's a booster for your immune system and will activate your T-cells. It will not prevent you from getting covid but prevent you from staying in hospital or die.
  14. plot prices are going up a lot. doubled within last 2 years. Probably because of buyers from BKK?
  15. What does this mean exactly? Which insurance company paid actually your bill? Can you give the name? (Please don't answer just with YES)
  16. So WRLife paid your hospital Bill? Or some other company.? I'm sure, the hospital would be able to tell you, wouldn't it? Did you ask? Just for clarification here on this forum? Please reply
  17. Hi all, thank you being a member now. As I'm new in this forum and also in Thailand I'm looking for an affordable Health Insurance. On Facebook and other social media, I found many adverts of NRG or WRLife. However, I realized these companies are of same origin and only brokers but no insurance company. What is YOUR experience? Anybody got a contract? Does anybody know who is the insurer at the end? I'm very confused. Of course, the broker offers a good rate, but who will pay the hospital bill? Will it be me finally? And monthly payments are going down the river? Please don't send any troll posts. I'm ask for your opinion and advice. Maybe even for a better real insurance? Pacific Cross? Regards Newbee
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