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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. Though export is booming the inflation is eating up any recovering. Hard stony way for Germany (but that is what US administration wants)
  2. confusing story. Removal of 12 teeth and treatment of liver disease? Need more information to judge about it.
  3. Not surprising. If Pita can't get enough votes from the unelected Senators this is the only suitable solution. Unfortunately. ????
  4. Please stay on and don't let the Americans enter Thailand as next 51. state.????
  5. It's high time to do something! All these foreign law breakers everywhere, Pesty farangs. Better to hunt them than to reduce the law breaking deadly Thais on the roads. Good decision RTP.
  6. Sad story. She should have left him obviously much earlier without telling him.????
  7. I think, there is not only a demand for durian but for fruits in general. On the markets I realized there are less fruits on offer than in former years. It's supposed to go to China because of higher prices I presume.
  8. I hope for Thailand he can fulfil what he promises. At least he got the brain how Thailand could perform in the future. And the Myanmar generals are afraid now because their fellow boys in arms will be send to barracks and hopefully will not rise again.
  9. as everywhere in our so called democratic govts.
  10. ....so others should pay for your own stupidity.????? I would not give any cent or baht for any fundraising in this context.
  11. maybe they knew exactly what they were doing. However, if you could save money using a light construction instead........money first, safety last.....
  12. Was the accident unpredictable? Is this the first cyclone ever? Cant provide proper construction? Its a shame and a mess. I guess, some mistakes werde made and some pockets were filled with saved money instead a solid construction.
  13. Isn't there a speed limit already on the roads?? ???? So "top speed" only mentioned in specs.
  14. I drive that model. Far away from quality I got in EU. You can put a dent with your thumb. Everything easy to damage which might be the purpose of this construction.
  15. "CCTV footage nearby shows the pickup truck driver lost control of their vehicle" Maybe his phone was more interesting than the traffic?
  16. Not much to suggest or guess......just daily accidents in Thailand. It's tragic that innocent people have to die because of that reckless driver's stupidity.????
  17. The thing is that Pita would change the constitution and the unelected senators will be jobless of course. So it's clear they'll stick to their chairs and will not support Pita. I really don't know how he will gather his allies in the unelected part of senate.?????
  18. Looks like the man in orange just picks the phone, which probably was more important than to watch the traffic.. Sad, but not unusual indeed.????
  19. yes, 63 kg and tiny! That makes it worse ????
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