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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. ...and Chinese NY of course. Holiday attraction in China Town.
  2. There are many "MAY". And maybe autosuggestion. Important: if you will feel better it's fine. I have my oats every morning. However, I let it soaked in water over night because oat contains Phytin acid which will prevent to release iron and zinc , magnesium or folic acid. aso. By soaking the structure will be destroyed and the minerals set free. Also important are beta glucanes which will form a gel with water and so will protect your stomach. Beta glucanes are also responsible (slow release) to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar by catching bile acid. Enjoy 🤗
  3. Apparently no witnesses? RTP please do your investigation.
  4. I'm sure that's a misunderstanding or misinformation. Of course there are acne treatments for young girls/men. But again: As I told you there are more than a dozen different forms of acne and therefore different treatments. The dermatologist has to see your daughter first before he/she will decide what treatment. Also the doctor will find out what kind of food your daughter should avoid.
  5. You're mistaken me. Not my post
  6. Cream cheese is processed. Not recommended
  7. Better to go to a specialist than to give assumptions here
  8. There are various kinds of Acne. I know more than 12. I presume you want to help your daughter? So to decide what is the best treatment is ONLY be possible by experienced DERMATOLOGISTS. He/she will find out what kind of Acne should be treated. Don't listen to "advices' or Wannabe doctors.
  9. My Gardener gets 800 per day. The cleaner 500. Minimum wages are rising. Holidays are extended. Anyway. 30 Baht in your hands for a meal is only the beginning. Rome is not built in one day, and Thaksin cannot change everything within one year.
  10. Maybe he forgot today what he "demanded" Yesterday. Dementia is coming
  11. 30 Baht a day is equivalent to one meal. That helps for those in need.
  12. You're joking, aren't you?😳 You really think you can do in Switzerland? No? But in Thailand you can do illegal things? I read the other day about a Swiss on Phuket. Are you related to him?
  13. Well, there are others cueing: eg doctors in hospitals. They serve the nation and helps people to fight illness and prevent from becoming ill.
  14. Declare war on Trump. Heil Starmer. Is that your solution?🤗
  15. What taxes have to do with your passport will be your secret hopefully.
  16. .....and there are still people who think Biden was "too old" or showed signs of "dementia". How you would describe what POTUS is doing? Much older than Biden when he became President. But not wiser q.e.d.
  17. Another "no sense" comment
  18. Nobody !!! believed such thing as Trump could happen in Amerika
  19. I didn't get the paper. But...Rome was not built within one day. So we'll see what will happen the next remaining 11 months of this year🙏
  20. You're right. Coming out of the office without anything like "no taxes to be paid" was something I was concerned. For this year we won't have problems with the immigration. But next year could be different or all the same as last year. Who knows in Thailand
  21. What do you mean by that? You call me a muppet? Tell me if you dare
  22. The decision to pay taxes is not in your hands, God sake🤗🤣🙏
  23. Up to you. I was referring to cocaine
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