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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. A little bit funny post for the weekend. Thanks for entertaining us.🤗
  2. Yes, these words are good to end my thread. Thank you.
  3. Well, but it was told yesterday. But sure, today is another day. So you're right🤣
  4. Rules🤗? Laws🤣? Noise laws are from the 50s or 60s. No police would interfere. However, talking to you neighbor in a low, not agitating, aggressive voice and manner will help. Take the village's head man with you.
  5. The difference is: state pension is guaranteed by state but private Pension (by companies) is granted but not guaranteed
  6. New enough to show that China is not the only one country working on it.
  7. Are you a member of a conspiracy group? Sounds like that. A govt terrified? Police terrified? Prosecutors terrified? Law makers terrified? 🤣🤗🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄
  8. Assuming 🤣🤣🤣 he's a dealer and got only that little bit (??) left. What then? Your reply makes no sense
  9. Fact. You're trolling. Scroll on
  10. You're trolling, aren't you? If you don't know what this thread is about, please read again
  11. I really don't know on what your assumptions are based? Crystal Ball or personal experience?🤗 https://drugabusestatistics.org/teen-drug-use/
  12. You didn't google W7-X. A bit work you can do for yourself. I am not your nanny🤣
  13. I can't feel any mercy for druggies, sorry. For me I would like to see him some years in prison.
  14. Yeah, they use a dice or a crystal ball. I opened this thread 3 days ago. And there are still question? Amazing🤣
  15. Was shown last year in Germany already. Could be solve our energy problems in the future. Latest research found huge amounts of free hydrogen under US soil to be last for 109 years and more.
  16. That's a heartbreaking end of a wonderful example of a useless car (I mean the Lambo)
  17. 🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄
  18. Own experience? Wow! That says it all.👍
  19. You wouldn't be the first in believing Desinformation. Nothing to do with honesty.
  20. Since you're not able to find a link, I'll used my time to help you. Say "thank you" to me.🤗 https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/do-wind-turbines-kill-birds#:~:text=A 2012 study found that,electricity from fossil fuel projects.
  21. Sure, obviously you don't?
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