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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. The mainstream wokeness will grant her a share I reckon
  2. Happened in a similar ways many years ago concerning kidneys in Eastern Europe.
  3. Well, that says it all about big mouth Trump
  4. ...the ant is speaking 🤗
  5. Of you honestly want to know look here: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=USA-EU_-_international_trade_in_goods_statistics
  6. Yeah, that was John Lennon's and I reckon most people's dream.
  7. Just the opposite. It's easy to get him when he's home.
  8. Since a week or so I follow the Baht's downturn. A week more and I will start a #gofundme project. The AUD is down to 20 Baht. No end in sight? The Euro is plummeting down to 34 Baht. What do you think? It's getting better within this month?
  9. Again the old fairy tales told by Shell, Exxon aso. Tell it as often you can untill people will believe it.
  10. Where is the story, where are the news?? A Brit can't behave, because of intoxication, ran riot and ended in jail. All self inflicted. Face it. End of story.
  11. Thank you for your post. We all were complaining about road safety standards. And we all know what to do to make driving safer. However, the Thai structure of society, customs and rules will prevent a breakthrough in safety. If the govt would not address the problem and look how other countries are tackle this problem (Shinawatras live long enough in Western countries) there will be no improvement.
  12. Well, it has to do with anonymity, but also hate, bullying, harassment. Also with cowardness. All those 'somebody" here on AN are cowards for me, not disclose their AN nickname. So you can't reply to their idioxxx emoji replies. To stop emojis would put conversations on a higher and more constructive level I think.
  13. Here is something what could be done immediately: It was very effective in Bejing https://thecityfix.com/blog/beijing-bans-street-barbeques-chuanr-effort-improve-air-quality-pollution-china-lulu-xue/in
  14. I forgot: every hour the Brexit costs you 1 million pounds according to Office of National Statistics 😕😳🥴
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