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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. I suppose nobody will miss you on Facebook??🤗
  2. No ❗ Look here https://www.demandsage.com/facebook-statistics/#:~:text=How Many People Use Facebook,the total social media population.
  3. Sure, more than 3 billion/month use it. That's definitely nobody. Or do you mean nobodies 😵‍💫
  4. No, but you do?
  5. They should visit them every month. Better invite UN to accompany.
  6. I'm neither angry nor "lefty", But wouldn't like to be the laughingstock or see me with that hat on Facebook, photo taken by people with common sense. You can wear what you want. Maybe I take a photo of you.😂
  7. I got quotations from both. Cigna with high prices and Pacific Cross with loads of exceptions. Both not recommended. Check out WRLIFE
  8. Take a photo with the sharks underwater. It's very popular😂
  9. Where is the difference between wearing a maga cap and a hat with " I am stupid"? Take your pick
  10. Short way for foreign nationals in that condo I guess. Maybe even getting a discount??🤗
  11. The imperator has spoken. But he reminds me of Caligula. His end is well known. However: To freeze help for Ukraine is one side of the medal. Is he doing this with Israel too? How honest are his efforts to bring peace? He can give proof now😳
  12. No word about safety? Or influx of criminals from all over the world? Or to express it easy: Amazing Thailand (in many ways)
  13. What else could have been expected. Thaksin s influence and money is legend already.🤗
  14. Well, it's good to be prepared for the worse case. Hopefully there will be ambulances provided and first aiders stand by. And robust police as well
  15. I'm confused. 2 men, 1 pale, another red like a lobster? Maybe the lobster was on top? 😳🥴😵‍💫😱
  16. Never happened to me. I don't know where are you going to for dinner. But if you go into a steak house you will get what you order. And if you go into a Italian Pizza Restaurant (not one of a chain) you'll get your pizza or pasta according to your order. I'm not sure, but you might have looked for a proper steak at at local market. From a street vendor ????😳😳😳
  17. I like the idea. Put a cordon around and a truck for deportation. And some nice videos for the beloved at home 😂😂😂
  18. As idiotic to read instead to scroll down
  19. Human Rights?? Is that what Big Brother decides. Not UN.
  20. Do you have more jokes, please???🤣😂🤗
  21. Oh, I'm so sorry to see them in jail. Ain't no sunshine anymore 😳
  22. Agreed. For those who are addicted it's a problem?
  23. Wondering where the money for his beauty operations came from? TV freak shows?? Some brain implants would have been better.
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