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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. Perfect first step. Go on. MTGA.!πŸ€—
  2. Not really. Maybe you don't know that almost all Myanmar people working in Thailand got only a motorbike but not a car (exceptions possible). Also those people never learned the traffic rules. (as some older Thais). Also there are only recently some advisers in schools giving instructions. Some wealthy Kindergartens where English is being taught rudimentary try their best too. At the end it's a matter of law enforcement. Police at zebra crossings for a while would be helpful (so kangaroo hopple by pedestrians could stop)πŸ€—
  3. ???😳 What do you mean? It's confusing. Who should pay for 35.000 soldiers? US govt?
  4. Oh, sorry, I forgot that. Thanks for the reminderπŸ€—
  5. Wonderful expertise❗ Thank youπŸ€—
  6. Oh, I'm disappointed😳 No more bad words? Come on, you can do betterπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
  7. Well, that's what will happen. Customers first. Customers are right....even if not. Normal procedure. So I stay by my reply. Don't even think your count was rightπŸ˜‚
  8. Obviously the girl can count better than you or she was not as drunk as you Take your pick
  9. That's small enough, thanks Long John
  10. The best is....use a boat. It's safer.πŸ€—
  11. Ryzen3 8 GB RAM ???? Not a very fast one, but for daily use ok
  12. Not at all. Death can be a release
  13. Yes, baking your bread on a spoon is highly commonπŸ€—
  14. Is that the powder for the heros??
  15. Thanks, you are qualified for the Drug SquadπŸ€—
  16. What the hell could it be..the white powder? And for what somebody uses a spoon and a lighter? Any suggestions?
  17. It's a mysterious country. And on my bucket list to visit within the next 3 years (after my best friend, my dog, will pass away)
  18. So no slippery roads this time? No driver's nap, no Line messages?
  19. That's the question. 10 seconds before the traffic light changes to green the motorbikes are starting already. And 10 seconds after turning to red there are still cars, trucks, buses and many motorbikes crossing. Russian roulette.
  20. First I thought another way of "having a facial". Thank you for clarification πŸ€—
  21. Yeah, felongs and farnags only, God sake. πŸ€—
  22. To be honest: who wants to be called "loser"?? πŸ€£πŸ€—πŸ˜‚
  23. If you drive appropriate to the road's conditions and follow the rules you wouldn't see much accidents.
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