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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. You must be pretty ignorant not to see there is a connection between the way illegal scum are treated when British citizens are treated worse. It may be facile ,but I'm not going to elaborate on the subject when it's so easy to make a connection. Whence your ignorance in not seeing it.
  2. it begins with B has locks at the end. Get my drift?
  3. I wonder how much money the boat people get when they arrive in Dover? I bet it far exceeds what pensioners get. Taking accommodation into account. How much is the government forking out for these illegal scum. I bet it's over £1000.00 per week. They are the real fraudsters, welcomed with open arms.
  4. I wouldn't worry about it. Most other nationalities look upon Americans as naive fools, Who have been brainwashed into thinking that the USA is the world. It's going to take a few years before any view of Americans changes. Since Biden I don't think many nations trust or even like America. As for MAGA or what ever. Who gives a Sh.....t. Just get on with your life. The Idea that whoever is president effects your life in some way is stupid. You lost, accept it and move on. Don't martyr yourself in the name of LibDem politics. That would be incredibly dumb.
  5. Sounds like they have been together for some time? If John doesn't realise that his GF is a trans, he never will. He could still be a bit weary about coming out as gay or bi, or what ever to people he meets, so the wanting kids thing is just part of the charade, maybe to avoid any questioning regarding the sexuality of his partner.
  6. Pennsylvania called for Trump. President Trump wins. Impossible for Harris to beat Trump. So what do you Dems have to say now? hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  7. He was good with the James Gang, "Live in concert 71"
  8. Or Antifa, if Trump wins, and while too early, Trump is leading.
  9. Well said. So very very true.
  10. Some may appear like losers, But just like farangs. Some Thai's will pay for a sexy girl to be with them. So the guy must have money.
  11. The fact that you Americans are even thinking of voting for either candidate tell's me that all American's have psychiatric issues, you just have to read the comments in any topic relating to Trump or the Election. How doe's a country allow two completely unsuited people to get in a position to become President. You get the government you deserve. American politics is i the toilet. What a complete Joke.
  12. Doesn't say much for middle aged midwestern man ! He's a clown.
  13. Silly Billy. Your ex! what were you thinking. Teach you not to play with money.
  14. Yes like they stand between Russia and Ukraine. That is absolute rubbish. They are about to dump Ukraine. The Yanks are the problem not the solution.
  15. G-d has absolutely nothing to do with it. It's a bunch of men affirming male dominance over women. I've lived long enough to see that if there is a g-d, his role is one of not getting involved. Because things have happened that makes me wonder if there is a god how has he allowed it to happen. I don't mean personal events. I mean sad things that have and are happening around the world. In fact religious nuts are responsible for some of the worse wars and inquisitions around the world etc, all in the name of Religion!
  16. Golda Meir, Maggie Thatcher. Two women who were at the top of their political game when they became Prime Minster of their respective countries!. So No you are 100% wrong. A time of Christian Misogyny when they came up with that one! lol.
  17. Half arsed indeed. He didn't do a good job dousing himself with petrol. Looks like it is just for show. He belongs in a mental institution.
  18. To Quote "Must be hard not being able to comprehend what is written" Where does it say I would get satisfaction in the obliteration of Gaza Arabs? I didn't realise that Hamas and Hezbollah are communities? Maybe a community of Terrorists. as for who is obliterating who, would you at least agree that Hamas and Hezbollah use the local population as human shields? Which makes them culpable in the killing of the local citizenry. Indeed they admit they want these deaths as it makes great propaganda. When The Arabs are ready to live in peace and not preach hatred in their schools, Israel would be very willing to make peace. But each time, the Arabs rejected every peace deal.
  19. I have news for you. Americans are dumb! Who in their right mind would vote for either candidate. American politics is in the toilet. Literally.
  20. Good luck with that. Indeed. That is what Israel wants. So they can f..k up Hamas and Hezbollah once and for all. The fact that you think they can destroy the IDF shows you don't know what you are talking about. Must be hard being an antisemite and watching your side get obliterated! 555
  21. Bull<deleted>. The UN is anti Israel. Israel has a right to defend itself, even destroying Hamas and Hezbollah.
  22. That is right. The tax system is an honour system. They trust you to make the right deductions. If they have any doubts they will audit you and go through your accounts for up to 10 years. If you are found to be cheating then you will get a hefty fine, maybe prison time. Maybe kicked out the country? As for a link. I don't have one. It's what I've read on various websites. You might find such info on the Thai Tax Revenue's website?
  23. Nothing to do with Ganja. He was drunk as a skunk!
  24. Sounds like you are addicted to tramadol. Taking every 6 hours is not good.
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