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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. Reading most of the comments, I can say, You Americans truly deserve who ever is voted in as President. There is no discussion about policy and what would be good for America. It is all about hate, hate for Trump or hate for Harris. You have been played by the elites and you can't see it. America is truly disappearing up it's own backside. The world is laughing at you all.
  2. Come on, Smart? She has shown how dumb she is. A complete idiot. LOL. This is how smart she isn't!
  3. I think the term is mental breakdown. He deserved what he got. simples! 5555
  4. Seems to me this thread is about people trying to convince themselves that Harris will win in November! Good luck with that one. 55555
  5. He seems compos mentis to me, granted the assignation attempt has affected him. He does seem to repeat himself a lot in his speeches. Bu I would also say that people are polarised against the Dems or Reps depending on which camp they fall into. There are too many geriatrics in American politics. they seem to hold sway in both parties. They all need booting out. Anyway, we shall see in November which one will win. But I think Trump has the momentum behind him, more so than Harris can muster between now and the 5th November!
  6. I understand your sentiment. It is a shame that the presidential race is down to personality rather than ability! Maybe one day America will choose a real politician for president. But I think this time around it is for Trump to lose this race. The Dems politicised all of the charges brought against Trump, have shown themselves to be unhinged in the way they went after Trump. The Dems need to re think their whole political future. So imo it is too late for Harris to be a shoe in to replace Biden. But it won't stop the MSM from pumping out more BS trying to claim that Harris is ahead in the polls or that she has a real chance to beat Trump. She is a total airhead, with her "time is time" and other nonsense punch lines she comes out with. She would be President in name only. She would be controlled and Obama, who would serve as President behind the scenes for yet another 4 years.
  7. If the Democrats win you can forget about the Constitution. They will destroy that as they have destroyed the Country. November will make or break America.
  8. No way is Harris going to be the next President of the USA, That is a fact not an opinion!
  9. There are plenty of jews in the Democrat party. But I would agree America isn't ready for a Jewish VP or future President if Harris were to win in November.
  10. Trial and error, All you can do is walk into the pharmacy and ask, they will either sell it to you or not. You may have to try a number of Pharmacies to buy then OTC.
  11. What did you do here in Thailand that you think you need a criminal records check? Never heard of such nonsense that a returning UK citizen requires a criminal record check. They'll take your finger prints and DNA when you re-enter! LOL.
  12. Hit a nerve did I ? LOL. If the cap fits wear it. I've lived in Rural Thailand for 15 + years. If you were trying to be balanced why did you bring up Bar girls? Just explain it as your experience of rural Thailand! You yourself are being condescending towards Bar girls are you not? Please show me where you mentioned "I wrote that it's guys who never venture beyond the bar scene who buy into the "woe is me bar girl sob stories." Because nowhere in your first long post do you mention such a thing?
  13. I wouldn't know, I do not need the services of a Bar girl. I am married but not to a Bar girl. But I still disagree with you. You need to broaden your horizon beyond bar girls. Who will by your own admission, feed you with any line of emotional blackmail. They are hardly an authority on the state of relationships among men and women in general. I'm not saying farang men are angels. As you said some are no better. Some women have no problem attacking their other half. Neither would I say Thailand is worse than other countries. It happens everywhere in the world. It is largely down to how men are brought up to view women with or without respect! It is learned within the family environment! As for Thai women attacking their other half, I see that as a failure to get what they want and not being able to rationalise their emotions. Same same for some Thai men! Seeing red. "Hell has no fury as a woman's scorn" LOL.
  14. It certainly isn't a myth. There are plenty of Mia Noi's out there, I doubt that the wives are happy about that. Plus some men have no problem hitting there other half. Accepted that many have happy marriages, But to say it is a myth is plain wrong.
  15. The days of the US and Nato telling other countries what they can and can't do is coming to an end.
  16. No sympathy for these idiots. He obviously was doing something that made him a target.
  17. Bull Sht, What has he done to be so popular? Sweet fanny adams!
  18. Just asking, Would Americans vote for a Jew who might become President in 2028. I didn't think that possible in America?
  19. Seems to me, regardless of who you support, be it Trump or Harris. Americans have lost the plot. You people are so polarised one way or another. It's sad to see. The hate displayed for one or other candidate is so over the top. At what stage do you people stop this nonsense and come together for the good of the country? The USA is Fk-ed.
  20. You think? They will collapse. There is no incentive in pursuing Trump anymore. The dems will make themselves look even more stupid than they already are.
  21. If I were a Trump supporter I would be ecstatic that Biden has withdraw. Trump V Harris is a no contest. Trump wins over stupid.
  22. Careful what you wish for, I don't put it past the democrat loonies to create some black swan even that would cancel the November elections. So they can stay in control! They are that mad to maybe try such a thing, imo.
  23. Manipulated video's to try and tar Trump with the same brush. Funny how even the MSM haven't flooded the airwaves with that rubbish. Even they aren't that stupid they believe that BS.
  24. It's not that I don't like what you say. It's just that it is total BS. Trying to paint Trump with dementia is so pathetic. Your post are a Joke. ILMAO
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