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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. Because they don't know what they are doing! If this is a non Thai Bank Then ask them to send in their native currency and then convert to THB on wise. You would get a better exchange rate that way. Otherwise try Dee Money, they might be able to receive foreign currencies and convert to THB.
  2. Buying Land in an area you know floods, is a bad idea. Once flooded how do you get to and from your house? What about the pool needing to be drained and refilled after the flooding subsides? You would need to build a raised parking area or you might have to buy a new car after each flood. Don't buy an EV! Being so close to the river is drainage from the land even relevant. The water will only go down as the river level drops. Good Luck but I think you could live to regret it. Find a better piece of Land.
  3. Wise do not offer a debit cards to people using their services in Thailand. So doubtful you will get it. Maybe re order using your friends address and he can post it on to you here in Thailand.
  4. That's just it, there was no real medical research done prior to the vaccines being released. No one knew how safe these vaccines were or were not. Now with evidence from deaths from covid and excess deaths linked to covid, the research suggests the vaccine is unsafe.
  5. Out of interest, what if it turns out Desantis is right? The UK houses of Parliament have also been discussing the failure of the vaccines to protect from covid, and the excess deaths that seem to be linked to them. They are talking about stopping to use these vaccines and that big Pharma have lied to the public. So how will you feel if indeed you have been lied to?
  6. 9ct gold is not gold. I would buy bars of gold. You lose less when selling here in Thailand.
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