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  1. It appears you lack reading comprehension skills as well. Hitler was LITERALLY saying we are not socialists, we are stealing the term and separating it from Marxism. He then went on to imprison and kill people who fall under the common definition of socialists. He literally told you this is an orange, not an apple. Your inability to comprehend this shows how much you are blinded by ideology and allergic to facts. Nazism was not socialism and it was not left-wing. You have not proven your claim at all.
  2. I am of the OPINION that socialism and communism will always result in totalitarianism. I don't need to rewrite history as you have attempted to do to have that opinion. Your post is an attempt to make a simple point super complicated for what appears to be no reason at all. Let me prove you wrong in a more simple way: AND https://alphahistory.com/nazigermany/hitler-nazi-form-of-socialism-1932/ So above you can see Hitler himself refutes your equivocation of nazis with bolshevism and/or socialism. He later made good on his promise: So...again I say that your op is total nonsense.
  3. You claimed "National Socialism was a Left Wing Socialist Political Movement" and you failed to prove that in your OP. Period. You refuse to address your logical fallacies directly because they are so incoherent, therefore you pose a new series of questions to deflect. Find me one serious historian who agrees with this premise. Anyone who makes this claim is a political sycophant engaging in revisionist history. And let's all be logically cohesive. The fact, and it is a fact, that the Nazi party was a right-wing branded party does not mean all right-wing parties are like Nazis. Even even it was a left wing party, it doesn't mean left-wing parties are Nazi parties. This is a fallacy looking for an illogical argument. Thus, total nonsense.
  4. Your first post proves you are incapable of response anyway. And the fact that you could format a response however you want shows that you are making excuses. Rather pathetic, much like your original 6th grade book report
  5. Line by line, here you go: All of your many misspellings in red, my responses in green.
  6. I have literally argued against every one of your points. You are the only one incapable of response. More nonsense. You think that in your world if everything can be neatly put into left and right boxes the world makes sense. My point is that this is a childish view of the world, not worthy of serious debate, and completely illogical. Again, I feel like this is coming from a 12 year old.
  7. You seem to be under the impression that I am interested in your response- let me assure you I am not. My previous post was for people who may have mistakenly thought you wrote something serious- I demonstrated clearly that what you wrote was incoherent nonsense, superficial, and the pointless ramblings of a political sycophant. You can't handle my point, which is that by the logic of your OP, the entire foundation of the US was also equivalent to socialism. I'm not making that argument, but it shows how flawed what you originally wrote is. None of your points add up to the conclusion- not even close. The irony of you asking for clear definition of common terms when you seek to distort commonly known terms in your op is hysterical. I do not have time to explain logic to those who have demonstrated already they do not comprehend it....try using Google. I find it comical that anyone would think your original post has anything close to a substantial argument. Take any statement you made, but just as an example saying "Revolution is a tool of the left" when the country you claim to be so proud of was born of revolution. The OP is completely ridiculous on its face, worthy of nothing but mockery.
  8. And no matter how bigly he fails, you will find your scapegoats in the boogeymen that you have created in your imagination. Right now we have 2 parties playing the same game, which is counting on their sycophants to tow the party line. Democrats will scream at Trump's every move and MAGAs will defend him despite the fact that he has no vision other than staying out of prison. I dare say between the two of you, the US future looks bleak.
  9. Your posts are one logical fallacy after another, this one being the appeal to ignorance, which is the entire MAGA approach to the world. You are simply attempting a revisionist history based on your political views, not on history at all. Your entire first post is based on the Historian's fallacy and Presentism. Let me show you: So, there...I have demonstrated how your post is complete and total nonsense. You will no doubt come back and move all of your goalposts to argue how the US is different. Again, just continuing your series of one logical fallacy after another.
  10. I put this at about the level of a 12 year old giving a social studies report and I would give it a C-
  11. So in conclusion, you think the US should annex and control a free nation because you have decided Denmark is woke (a completely idiotic idea) and therefore Greenland must chose between good guy-MAGAs or woke-villains. The writers of Idiocracy could never have dreamed. lol
  12. Right, cuz this forum is not littered with MAGAs doing the same thing
  13. When Don dies, the party will collapse because it stands for nothing.
  14. Easy with all of that evidence! Why deal with reality when you can hate people for things you make up about people you hate because of lies you heard on Fox?
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