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Everything posted by sidneybear

  1. LGBTQIA is an expression of sexuality, which should be done between adults. Is twerking in front of a child sexual? How about promoting drag shows to 1 - 6 year olds, as was the case recently in Australia? That is, until the organisers received death threats from concerned parents. Leave the kids alone.
  2. They don't exist. Childen should be left to do what children do, without being sexualised by predatory adults.
  3. Agreed - consenting adults can do what they like, but people who pitch their sex lives to innocent children are warped, evil and belong in prison.
  4. People in the west should be laughing at themselves. What kind of a country gives its electorate a choice between Biden and Trump? The electorate buys into it to, comparing one against the other, when they're both terrible. Talk about gullible.
  5. Why can't these Pride groups leave children out of it? Promoting sexuality to kids is wicked.
  6. Shows like this always encourage liberal leftie contestants to ridicule conservative ones, to get the producer's woke messages across to the audience. This poor bloke walked into a trap.
  7. People are watching? From where? From kakistocracies like the US and UK? The west needs to get it own house in order before lecturing Thailand on how it should behave.
  8. That looks more like a woman keeping you company than just a rabbit.
  9. Wearing a mask in a hospital is a courtesy, as there are sick and weak people there. Why cause them distress? Wearing one anywhere else is pointless.
  10. Who's the rich daddy of that Pheu Thai candidate then? Go on. Give me a name. You're pulling my leg.
  11. Thaksin wasn't a candidate? You're having a laugh.
  12. Proves my point then. A political system that results in a choice between Biden and Trump - two incredibly flawed candidates - is actually a kakistocracy, and therefore has no moral right to lecture Thailand about "democracy", or held up as an example of such.
  13. I'm not sure why you didn't think of it either. Thaksin is a corrupt fugitive oligarch, and MFF sports a "progessive" manifesto that could have been written by any western woke liberal left politician, and probably was.
  14. I'm Thai, actually. You shouldn't make assumptions about people. That 'large majority' were bought votes (Thaksin was involved) and youth being conned by western backed lackeys who don't care if Thailand ends up as a client state. They'll be kicked out soon though.
  15. Votes were bought and the young were conned. You call Thailand an autocracy, but you come from a kakistocracy. Think about it: of all the brilliant people that could lead places like the USA or the UK - people we've never even heard of - yet the citizenry are asked to choose between Biden or Trump, Starmer or Sunak. It's laughable that people from places like that think that they're in any way qualfied to criticise Thailand.
  16. Seen through the lens of the western liberal and wokist meddling creed. Look at the kinds of government people are forced to choose in the west. Is that what you call a democracy? If it is, then give me a Thai style benevolent autocracy any day. Thailand is better in so many ways.
  17. I hope you're right, and I admire your optimism, but I think you're wrong. Money plays an ever increasing role in political decisions. The West is just as corrupt as all the countries that the West accuses of corruption.
  18. You translated from the wrong language. Being a conservative, I like Thailand's charming traditions, culture and stability. I oppose anything that seeks to remake Thailand in the image of the West.
  19. Agreed, compared to Qantas Thai is luxury.
  20. Well said. All the people I know of every sexual orientation aren't proud, and neither are they ashamed. They're just perfectly normal, decent, hard-working people who you can go to the pub and have a laugh with.
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