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Everything posted by sidneybear

  1. I understand your point, but if speaking a foreign language is important (many world leaders use interpreters), then fluency in Chinese will be more relevant to Thailand's future. With the decline of the west, impressing CNNs audience is no longer as important as it was.
  2. Working in Thailand is a great way to find friends, as is joining clubs and societies. It's no different from anywhere else.
  3. Fast food is a curse from the west. Thai women used to be slim, now the slim ones are becoming an exception.
  4. Unless the pharmacist is a foreigner welcoming an as yet undefined clientele.
  5. Nut Zero will come back to bite them, just like its increasing unpopularity in the west, where unaffordable energy costs are turning into a political lightning rod.
  6. I quite liked Siem Reap. Like most Cambo towns it's a bit chaotic and grotty in places, but it has a nice vibe and some quaint restaurants and bars. Incredibly cheap beer too. Angkor Wat is beautiful too, if you like old temples.
  7. Nice result OP, to come and go as you please for 15 more years without worrying about visas. The "Superiority Extension" name made me chuckle.
  8. Pita is about to be given a crash course in how Thailand's 'managed' democracy really works.
  9. Thailand's institutions are there for a reason, and are similar in function to their counterparts anywhere else. What are the alternatives? Zero tax and zero state?
  10. My thoughts too. This man is hardly a role model for anything.
  11. Another good observation. Hit and run doesn't work because the authorities infiltrate social networking.
  12. So you keep saying. And we've agreed elsewhere that time will tell, which stands to reason. Is there any other point you'd like to put forward, or is that all for now?
  13. So where are they now? Fact is, they were supressed.
  14. Tourists always come flocking back to Thailand, whatever happens. It's a great place to visit, and always bounces back from temporary problems. Myanmar it will never be: its economy has advanced way beyond that.
  15. That's a good observation. The red shirts were hardy country folk, accustomed to working long hours in the sun. This lot are pallid lefty city gen Z types, many of who would melt if they stepped out of air conditioned malls for more than ten minutes. They'll also be put in their place and sent for attitude adjustment.
  16. You've just defined politicians the world over, of every political stripe. All we can do is limit the damage they cause. That's why there's a lot to be said for conservatism. The status quo really isn't that bad.
  17. You'll be proven right, although what you say is a safe bet.
  18. Hence the name
  19. Well it's good that Thaksin's clique has taken a bashing, but what's replaced it will be just as bad.
  20. Good for these senators. They value Thailand's culture, traditions and heritage. I hope they block this progressive disease, and if they don't then others will.
  21. This is one of many roadblocks that these people who want to turn Thailand into a client of the west will face.
  22. He was a long term employee, whose payout under the Labour Protection Act would have been considerable. He had previously done good work but fell in with the wrong crowd, so we decided to call it quits. We ended up paying each other nothing, which was an acceptable outcome given that the damage he caused only affected a minority of our customers.
  23. I'm sure they won't miss you. Here in Australia, if coffee is too hot, the barrista get accused of 'burning the milk'. Maybe these people learned the Australian way?
  24. I think that the best way of describing Thailand is a 'managed democracy'. There are some guardrails that stop things from falling in a heap
  25. Exactly. The only thing he did wrong was not to follow the western authored "rules based order". In other words, he put Thailand first, kicked out a bunch of crooked oligarchs and preserved Thailand's delightful traditions and culture. Posters here who think the sky fell in under Prayuth make me laugh. They should have a look at what it's like back home these days.
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