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Everything posted by sidneybear

  1. That's called forgery and you can go to jail for doing it: https://library.siam-legal.com/thai-law/criminal-code-documents-sections-264-269/
  2. Correct. Carbon trading just shifts emissions from one place to another, making some people richer but ordinary people poorer.
  3. Marketing campaigns will always be optimistic, but rising interest rates reduces the amount of money people can borrow, which in turn reduces prices.
  4. Conscription is a good thing, as it instills discipline, patriotism and respect. I hope they don't get rid of it, or if they do get rid of it they bring it back once this lot of progressives gets kicked out.
  5. She's a good looking woman, but I don't understand why first ladies matter, in either the looks or the intellect department. The best president ever could have a frump for a wife who sat at home clipping her callouses, and he'd still be the best president ever. The reverse is true too.
  6. The golden days for expats are long gone already, if it's cheap tottie that treat westerners like lords that the OP is referring to.
  7. Don't overdo booze and paracetamol at the same time if you value your liver.
  8. That's pretty much all the OP can do, other than moving to a new district. Thais can read emotions very well, so this officer is well aware that the OP loathes her. If I were the OP, I'd be thinking of how best to grovel to this official - perhaps sending her a thank you note with a nice gift - and in doing so make my own life a lot easier.
  9. Looks more like the first step in banning it again, so enjoy it while you can.
  10. Agreed. Quality of life is often overlooked because of the modern obsession with quantity of life.
  11. Covid is the first virus in the world to have a marketing department.
  12. Good for them. It's high time the US started minding its own business.
  13. Turn on the air con and these white elephant EVs won't make it to Chonburi. The green industry is a total con with really clever marketing.
  14. Well I don't think it is 99%. Of course, the IPCC always quotes scientists that agree with its cause, but there are many eminent scientists who don't. Here are 1,501 of them: https://clintel.org/world-climate-declaration/ Jumping on to the Net Zero bandwagon is a dangerous political move - we're already seeing riots around the world and governments toppled (in places lice Sri Lanka) by angry mobs who can't underwrite the enormous cost of green policies.
  15. That's true - not only the PR application fee skyrocketed under Thaksin, but the annual reentry permits went up to around 5 grand as well. A lot of people here think that these progressives are a good thing, only then to find out that they're not farang friendly at all.
  16. All the more reason not to speak English then.
  17. Money, as you correctly alluded to in your first post to me. So called green energy, and the technology that surrounds it, requires more investment, and it's more expensive.
  18. You don't often see Xi Jinping giving English language interviews, but that doesn't seem to be holding China back. Pita's English language skills are a non issue, because it's Thais he has to impress, not Americans.
  19. Net Zero is all about replacing affordable and reliable energy with unaffordable and unreliable energy, with one or another industry profiting regardless. After all, neither the fossil fuel nor the wind/solar energy indutries are charities, both having shareholders who expect dividends and capital growth. Among the paying public, though, there will be a backlash, as we're seeing elsewhere.
  20. That's right. Net Zero policies mean that energy costs increase drastically, and with that comes the prospect of civil unrest, or intervention to boot out the government of the kind we've seen before. Net Zero is an industry with very compelling PR and lobbying, but it doesn't benefit Thai people one bit.
  21. I understand your point, but if speaking a foreign language is important (many world leaders use interpreters), then fluency in Chinese will be more relevant to Thailand's future. With the decline of the west, impressing CNNs audience is no longer as important as it was.
  22. Working in Thailand is a great way to find friends, as is joining clubs and societies. It's no different from anywhere else.
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