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Posts posted by Startmeup

  1. 14 hours ago, Fab5BKK said:

    All bikes are designed for a standard use (according to their cat.)


    1. By definition, humans are all different, riders have various styles and bike uses. Therefore, it makes sense to fine tune the suspension (NB: I didn't write "change", new elements are just an option).


    2. Standard exhausts are heavy. By changing it for a quality one, you'll save on weight, improve the engine running and modify the look of the bike.


    BTW, in my initial post I used the conditional tense.

    Can confirm suspension setup can totally change the driving experience.

    Got this done on my Daytona 675R and it made a massive difference. 

    Not sure how much of a difference it would make on ADV, cant hurt but wouldn't know where to go for that.

    14 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Do adv 160 have proper suspension?

    They have Showa suspension, it soaks up the bumpy Phuket roads

  2. Surge from a very low base. 


    Most people don’t realize that Norwegian oil demand fell by a tiny 35,000 b/d since 2010. How can that be if eight out of ten cars sold in Norway are fully electric? Unfortunately, most investors do not appreciate the details of the Norwegian odyssey with electric vehicles. Instead of a poster child, Norway should serve as a warning of the unintended consequences of widespread EV adoption.

    • Confused 1
  3. Depression, counselling, unhappy in the relationship. Lol to all those replies.
    99% of Thais would choose to sit around and eat all day than leave the house. The less physical activity the better. It has nothing to do with any of the above in most cases and ;ack of education on nutrition is a big issue than needs addressing. 


    Sugary and highly processed foods can be as addictive as any of the other vices you could partake in like sex, alcohol and recreational drugs. There is an obesity epidemic in this country and its not from depression or broken relationships its from hyper palatable foods.

    Hyperpalatable food (HPF) combines high levels of fat, sugar, sodium, or carbohydrates to trigger the brain's reward system, encouraging excessive eating.


    Look at any of the main foods served up today across the country.

    High levels of fat - Canola, soybean, palm and peanut oils used to cook all kinds of foods are at best very unhealthy/pro inflammatory and at worst often toxic to the body. Everything is cooked and drowned in these super cheap and super unhealthy cooking oils


    Sugar - literally added to everything even if they are already sweet. All the sauces and soups. I got a soda the other day on the outskirts of Buriram. I nearly spat it out when I tasted it it was so concentrated and sweet. I had to dilute it into three separate drinks to be able to tolerate the sweetness.


    Carbs/Sodium - Instant noodles is loaded with sodium, Big portions of noodles/rice with every meal and little protein, MSG added in many dishes


    These foods have been Developed by design to hit the brains reward systems and keep you coming back for more. Over the last 10-20 years most people can afford to eat more than they could in the past and even those in their mid 20s have that doughy look already with big amounts of excess fat all over their body. Very very unhealthy. The visceral fat would be chronic. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Cricky said:

    This could be why the Swiss are attacking Thai women, they are fed up.

    Getting justice. 😮


    Very strange that 73yo riding his bicycle around midnight. Weird.

    Not a good idea.

    Probably doing the right thing by not driving home drunk has cost him his life?

    If you look at the picture he had a light on the back of the bike.
    Lady maybe on her phone or more than likely at her age half blind and shouldn't be driving at all. 

    • Like 1
  5. 21 hours ago, London Lowf said:


    This was the first thing I bought for mine - black tinted and smaller than the standard monstrosity!


    Ban for the buck, the best mod that I've made.


    Wheel rim stickers are a quick and cheap tart-up if you have the skill and patience to fit them properly. A bit naff, but that's me all over!


    I dont notice it being very big. You changed it purely for aesthetics? 


    21 hours ago, London Lowf said:

    You can buy a complete set of the essential body panels on Shopee for less than B9,000 unpainted - I've just got mine and prepping/spraying them will now become my hobby as it's getting too hot to go to the beach every day.

    Why would I need these?


    21 hours ago, London Lowf said:

    I really mustn't procrastinate for too long!


    What about the Michelin City Grip 2s?

  6. 8 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

    Specific to your bike Mods that can make a difference?


    ADV 160:-


    Put 15-gram weights in the CVT. This will improve your roll-on acceleration and hill climbing.

    Went up a steep hill yesterday with a pillion and was surprised how much it struggled. 

    Have read about CVT mods. Where do you get them? Its a common mod for a mechanic to carry out?

  7. 7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    The only win would have been for me not to have been injured in the first place. Even me killing the guy wouldn't be a win, as I don't wish injury on any other living being.


    Quite frankly,

    I'm surprised the police traced him.

    I'm surprised my gov min covered the accident.

    I'm surprised his insurance repaired my m/c.


    I'll be astounded if his insurance give me 4 months sick pay they offered.


    I assumed right at the start I'd be footing the bill for everything.


    So far, after the hit an run, it's all been a win for me, I didn't think I'd ever ride my mountain bike again.

    Drivers life has not had any interruption at all. Paid a few quid and business as usual. 

    Nice story to tell all his mates over a bottle of Sangsom.

    You had extensive injuries which would have taken a couple years to recover fully from if at all.

    We have a very different view on winning. 

  8. 32 minutes ago, Jake72 said:

    For me adding storage space was a game changer. I added a medium sized delivery driver box on the back, about 50 liters capacity. I used to wear a backpack, but having a dedicated box on the back is much nicer. Now I often take the bike to go shopping instead of the car. However it must be mounted correctly by adding a strong cargo rack on the back, then you can easily carry a box of beer plus various other items at the same time.


    This was something I thought about too you just reminded me. 

    How do you find a load such as a box of beer sitting that high up on the bike affects the driving? 

    Did you choose a particular brand? 

  9. 32 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    And you have a Dash-cam (rear and fwd facing) and have the video of him doing this and the video of his licence plate ?? (Yes / No ?).


    I too hate these types, but, it hasn't yet happened to me where any damanage has been caused, but people have clipped my mirrors, usually very midly, they just wave or wai to sai sorry. 


    While riding, a couple of times I have 'clipped' someones wing mirrors, it happens... I stop and say sorry, thats the least I can do.




    In this case - I'm wondering the exact extent of the 'trigger'.....   (i.e. the sequence of events that led to being chased down).


    The OP has not addressed any of the valid points you have raised. I wonder why. Makes a post of being a victim, then says he doesn’t have to explain anything to anyone but still says justice hasn’t been served. 


    How many stories of Chinese tourists have we seen blown up in the media that aren’t even close to as serious as what the OP is detailing.


    Plenty more to this story we aren’t being told. Any self respecting individual who was almost killed through basically no fault of their own doesn’t press charges and accepts a few thousands baht in hospital bills as a win? Ya sure 

  10. I feel like the OP is leaving out part of the story. Why don't you tell us exactly what happened?


    If the story goes, I drove and knocked the mirror off the Vehicle, stopped and turned around and then tried to get away.

    Driver chased me down and smashed into me. It still doesn't justify what the driver done.
    With the injuries described there's not much that hitting somebody's car can have justified this reaction. 

    The only argument someone could have for doing this is if this was done to them or a loved one, even then im not sure if it's justified. 


    Id like to know exactly what happened though because if what is described happened to me I would be doing everything in my power 

    to get this all over the media and making a hell of a big deal about it. I think most people would unless they have something else to hide.  No better time than now with all the headlines in the media also. 



  11. 15 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    changing the  dunlop sportmax  tyres from new   for Pirellis, used to get wheelspin a  lot with the dunlops.

    I was looking at tyres last night online. I didn’t see much about the Pirellis but many mentions of Michelin City Grip 2 tyres for scooters. Are Pirellis better, which Pirellis? 

  12. 5 hours ago, Agusts said:

    I haven't experienced any phone heating problem, as long as I'm on the move - the wind cools it off, but if in long traffic, like Bangkok, not sure...!


    The best mod I think are good mirrors, if can't see well behind, could be in real danger in these parts..., there are those small wide angle ones can be attached in the corner of current mirrors too, see what suit best ... 


    The mirrors on my girls Scoopy are terrible. I expect they will be a lot better on the ADV with the drawback that sitting through traffic won’t be as seamless 

  13. 1 minute ago, Hummin said:

    The best phone holder is Quad Lock

    Honda Big Wing and many other  provide crash bars for your bike, and surprised they didnt offer you a package price. Depending of where you buy your bike off course. Depending also where you are in Thailand, there is many local shops who will help you out, or you google/facebook/youtube search Honda adv pages. Should be a dusin or two with alot of people who know your bike, what your choices is, and where to order. 


    Night riding good luck



    What makes Quad lock the best?
    Do you find your phone getting red hot in the Thai sun using these holders? 

    • Like 1
  14. Getting my Honda ADV 160 this week. What modifications have you guys done on your bike that has had a positive benefit compared to factory spec?

    Im thinking I will get a phone holder for using maps while driving. Maybe a tinted front screen.
    Ive seen some bikes at night with extra spot lights, sometimes yellow and I could see them being helpful for night driving.
    Curious about the benefits of getting one of those almost looks like a half cages that I see on the lower front end of some bikes?

  15. 38 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Never known Admin to edit posts (except when they contravene the forum rules)...what reason would Admin have to do that?

    No idea but they edited a thread I started a couple weeks ago. I asked the question in the thread why they changed the title and they didn't have the respect to even give a response. 

    • Confused 1
  16. 3 hours ago, LauChan said:

    I have been reading about foreigners being liable for tax if they have been in Thailand for 180 days of the year. 

    Will this include foreigners that have been staying on a tourist visa, visa exempt, extensions of these. If you are staying in total of more than 180 days on these kind of entries will you also be liable to pay tax?

    By definition yes but it depends 

  17. 11 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    but I wonder if thats not just because it also has a disproportionately higher number of people getting mashed...  


    Likely so, in an altered state of mind from chemicals of some sort, mixed with failed relationships.

    Also whats the best way to knock someone off in Pattaya if you’re connected well enough that it won’t be looked into? A balcony jumper is news for three days. 

  18. 41 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Because you are reading news about incidents in Thailand.


    This same thing happens in all areas with high tourist footfall... Spain, Cancun....


    I'm not sure if the numbers of 'balcony falls' in Thailand or specifically, Pattaya, are disporportinately high compaured to the number of tourists.


    It would need to measured in: Number of falls per 100,000 tourist days...  to achieve a comparable metric, 

    If that was the case there would be headlines a few times everyday of this happening in Bangkok given the population but there isn’t.

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