In spite of all the great info on here, I'm still confused how the O visa works, so I'm going to respectfully request to be hand-held through the options.
Here's where I'm at.
I'm leaving Phuket at the end of April and I'll be away on a project until the end of June. I will have turned 50 years old by then.
I don't have a bank account - but I believe that I can get one with a Certificate of Residence on the long-term rental villa that I have. Am I correct in saying that?
I don't have a pension, but can deposit 60,000 Baht deposits each month into an account. That's easy.
My question is: do I have to start lodging cash into the bank account now, so that there is a history of payments before I apply for the retirement visa?
Can I apply within Thailand on a tourist visa through say an agent in Phuket?
If so, are there any Phuket retirees who can recommend an agent who can perhaps make the bank hoop jumping go away?
(I don't really want to tie up 800K for years. At least, that is my understanding of it.)
Best regards