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Everything posted by Whirby

  1. Wow those look great! Some happy plants there.
  2. You should have a few options that will do it pretty cheap since that's not a whole lot to move. Personally, I've used three movers and they were good and I'd use them again. I'd probably get quotes from a few companies before making a decision though. The prices can be pretty different from one company to another so a couple phone calls can save you a decent amount of money.
  3. That's my understanding as well
  4. Oh he can still get lawyers. They're just not the ones who deal with high profile white collar crimes. For instance those two women he trots out there with his most ridiculous cases. One was an environmental lawyer and the other was resolving parking tickets. Not exactly the cream of the crop.
  5. That pretty much sums up every aspect of the man's entire being. How he keeps getting lawyers to take on his cases is baffling. By being involved in his shenanigans, they all end up having to get their own lawyers, if not getting sanction, disbarred, or imprisoned. Explains his string of legal losses over the past couple years though. I don't think many legit legal firms or top lawyers want anything to do with him at this point.
  6. What's the best way to go about that? I've heard melting it into butter works but never tried it myself.
  7. Hahaha my thought exactly.
  8. Put a sheet of fabric softener over the end of a toilet paper tube and exhale through that. Kills a lot of the smell. I'd probably use some kind of cover up too and maybe an air filter if you're really concerned. If you're smelling cooking from the neighbors, they're going to smell your smoke unless you take some careful precautions.
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