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  1. The cannabinoids THC and CBD are lipophilic, meaning they need fats to dissolve and become bioavailable to humans
  2. keep smoking your moldy weed under the stairs and you soon will be
  3. @britman , i agree about mold being everywhere , that is not the terrible advice , that is just life. molds will only grow under certain conditions . suggesting to smoke moldy weed is the terrible advice
  4. terrible advice, please stop. i can't find a single site that recommends smoking moldy weed , can you ?
  5. would you be happy to sniff the mold off of the cheese and bread into your lungs ?
  6. can you smoke moldy weed , sure you can . might it be terrible for you health , yes . might being the word . google "should you smoke moldy weed" and see what comes up you are buying the cheapest weed available in thailand , throw it in the bin and buy some more .
  7. i have not smoked brick weed in over 25 years . i wouldn't smoke it now if you gave it to me for free and 25 years ago i would only smoke when there was a drought on in the UK there is a lot of bud i can say the same about that i have seen in shops. small tiny <deleted> that they are trying to sell for 500+ a gram . i wouldn't smoke it if it was free your popcorn looks great .
  8. the grading "system terminology" shows exactly that most people have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to cannabis . anything that has mold should not be smoked . mold can be very dangerous for the lungs and human health. so whoever came up for the wording for grade "B" and worse , needs educating "spots of mold here and there" ????
  9. i just wanted to see what the bud looked like, as all i can see is leaf .
  10. do you have a photo of a bud after it's been trimmed please @philthebook
  11. low post count , you caught me , well done . what and where is being sold for 20 baht a gram please ?
  12. i don't think people want deals that other people post , but they want to find their own deals . i posted that i buy top grade bud at 160 a gram , as good if not better than anything i have seen in shops ( page 63 ) , but no one asked for contact details or where to buy it .
  13. i just don't have the spare money to order 100 grams or more what was the question mark for ? them buds look great btw
  14. that looks lovely , what strain is it ?
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