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  1. Hi my name is Kevin and I must admit to the same fetish... I have a flip top cap for my Colgate Toothpaste that I bought 3 years ago (In the US) and religiously move from old to new tube...
  2. So his supporter should not complain that he's given 30,000 square feet of freedom...
  3. Yadda… Yadda… Yadda… What happened to the Republican spirt of Lock Um Up!…
  4. Yes, it twists off with a pair of pliers… Homepro or Lazada sells replacements…
  5. Not much “News” here… Fox is not in the business of news… It’s in the business of stroking its viewers for money….
  6. That’s a good way to lose your girlfriend to a ladyboy…
  7. Everytime we pass a durian stall I feel a gentle but firm grasp of my wrist to let me know he's pondering... 😘
  8. As a foreign tax resident you get special pricing when entering National Parks... 😘
  9. Note: Wise can be set up as your US Bank for transfers… If you have a US Wise account with a US Dollar account this is the same as a regular US based saving account. You can get you Wise routing number and account number from your app (Proof of Account Details) You can give these to the Social Security as your transfer bank. Right now Wise is giving 4.85% interest on fund deposits…
  10. I would guess the limiting the App to only be used on a phone with the registered sim the bank has on file is a great security device to protect you from having your bank account hacked by slammers... Btw... You can use the website and login to access your account in addition to having the app on your cellphone...
  11. People like this are probably a major reason the US Social Security Dept put stringent rule on direct transfer of SS benefits to foreign banks...
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