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  1. Actually sipping a G&T by the pool with my iPad… Me thinks you might be projecting…
  2. Sadly we’re talking about a guy that cheats at golf…
  3. OK MAGettes repeat after me…. The WOKE Biden economy couldn’t handle tariffs…. Mexico, Canada & CHIIINA will pay for the tarriffs! #ThePriceOfEggs
  4. And as the stock market plunged Kudlow on Fox business announced the collapse of the Biden economy... 🤣🤣🤣
  5. Good riddiance to all those woke Biden stock market gains!...
  6. The Social Security website would not accept my Google Voice… But I could add my Thai cell number.
  7. It’s been a month… Was your Thai address accepted and are you able to make transfers?
  8. I your Schwab account a basic US account or an International account as others have mentioned?
  9. Don't be surprised if tonight you wake up in a cold sweat after dreaming of this video 🤣
  10. If we’re talking tough guys…
  11. As was pointed out previously (you need to keep up) the photo in the OP was of Zelensky in a suit before the war had started… This creates a false narrative used in the troll post to suggest that Zelensky was dressed in a way to be disrespectful in the Oval Office As a MAGA type you might not understand the term false narrative so I suggest you read up here… https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=False Narratives
  12. I would like to know why this forum allows these false MAGA circle jerk threads?…
  13. Now who is sounding like a bot?…
  14. Beats trolling a leader who is trying to save his people from invaders…
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