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Everything posted by BKKKevin

  1. No casualties if you don't count all the 7-11s for a 10km radius being emptied of thier Mama Instant Noodles...
  2. Many of the bigger cities and islands have rental Facebook groups for rentals... Take a look at the offerings and then email the poster who most likely is an agent... They may not rent you that unit short term but you can build a relationship with the agent and give her your specifications and she will most likely be able to find a place... Be careful not to transfer a huge amout of cash initially... Pay a reasonable deposit and say you will pay balance in cash once you at property
  3. Please!... The last thing we need to see is Sleepy Don's Depends peeking thru his silk pajamas!...
  4. I don’t have the Wise debit card I use Bangkok Bank debit card here… Other may chime in on it… My guess is the fees from Wise and the ATM would be significant… The nice thing about Charles Schwab is they refund all ATM fees… And as you pointed out they give you nothing for funds not invested… I have a Fidelity account and they also refund all foreign ATM fees and money sitting in their cash position is invested in money market at around 4.5%… This is the account my SS check is deposited…
  5. I transfer funds from my Charles Schwab to me Wuse account... It usually arrives same day - No fee (US business time)... Once in my Wise USD account I can transfer to my BK Bank usually in a few hours... I always keep a month's worth of funds in the Wise USD account it gets almost 5%... If you go to your USD account and click more and then proof of accout details it will give you your Wise ACH info to link your US account to it... I've heard people have just linked the SS deposit directly to Wise using this ACH method...
  6. Agreed!... If they were to this analysis base on prostitutes per capita Thailand would most likely be at the top!... 😋
  7. The AC techs may be reticent to move the old AC... If it's old or a cheap brand they know there's a risk that in moving it they may damage it to the point it may not work... And they will most likely not get paid...
  8. One should remember that Sleepy Don was too thin skinned of a chicken to attend any Correspondence Diner during his presidency...
  9. I have Truemove prepaid here and just add one of their roaming packages... If I were to stay a month... I'd just pop into the nearest Walmart and buy a cheap prepaid sim like Mint Mobile... If you have a phone that does eSim capabilities you have a host os options...
  10. You also need to consider more than jugaste price… Do you really want to live in a cheap place in the middle of the Bible Belt?… Again to promote Tucson… Check out this group of retirees to the area… https://www.facebook.com/Bears.of.the.Old.Pueblo
  11. In the outskirts of the city there are a number of older 55+ parks that are definitely D list 555... You can get a older park model for $39-40k with a lot rent of around $5-600 a month... https://silverkingco.com/communities/desert-pueblo/
  12. I have my eye on Tucson AZ as plan B... A nice liberal city with good infrastructure and health care... a number of 55+ communities... The only drawback I see is the summers are brutal hot... But that can be a nice time to travel off season to Mexico (I've lived in Aijijicon Lake Chapala).... Check out https://www.mhvillage.com
  13. It’s ironic that the man who coined the phrase “Sleepy Joe” is reportedly falling asleep at his own felony trial…
  14. My guess is the powers that be are doing a little house cleaning before they introduce their own digital currency... I wonder how much weed one can buy with 10,000 baht of digital currency?...
  15. If using Wise select the purpose as “Fulfill Visa Requirements“
  16. The Great and Powerful Oz can only come up with $100 Million... #ImReallyRich https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/28/nyregion/trump-bond-civil-fraud.html
  17. The article is from last year but the facts they present are still true today… This stock is worth about as much as a Trump Steak…
  18. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/7-reasons-trump-truth-social-232409341.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAnx3WQI3rzxBGstX9xTuwDK79UuC42mnKynWRpvBgzxcDWQuD9yRYWtA_ma6XFgGVtNfFa6k6Sw-ozNNbt1UHLIDlyq3-1b1d2usHs_MFJTYklmK8kmGB-lC58MmPDwBAuuzcsDXRgJOfwZI44Nzv3-KsweeMRcIWnw1ehDlWCz
  19. For this appeal to be granted he must post a bond or provide cash equal to the judgement plus interest... It is yet to be seen if he has the financial resources to do so...
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