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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Ukraine is not a country so whatever. Stop shooting its bad for business.
  2. Thats fine, they will be OK. They dont need our money or guns. No problem.
  3. Attention Americans: Im sure that most of us can differentiate a real from a fake M4, but you should note that the Chinese are pumping out M4geries that look just like: Air Rifles. Be alert.
  4. Drugs. Give a kid some Ketamine and off we go, zombie time
  5. Tarrifs should be equal in all directions. Thats the best part about all this screeching paroxysmic freakout Trump frenzy. They dont want to play "fair". They want to keep LEECHING off us.
  6. There is insane spittle flying.
  7. https://www.bicc.de/Publikationen//report4.pdf https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/server/api/core/bitstreams/eba001c1-09da-4398-8090-bd3ab1118e2d/content https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/56631/1/688143342.pdf Im to lazy to update my research. Tell the folks working in the Dry Cleaners to get a new job. Dude, are you guys trying to make yourselves feel better? You guys sound like the toddler reciting over and over "there arent any monsters under the bed" like a protective mantra. Hey the USA is leaving you defenseless and broke, naw we will be OK, we will be OK, we will be OK, its nothing, we dont need you, we will be OK. OK then. You get no argument from me. You will be OK. Say bye to us. We will send you a bill.
  8. While you just spew hate for the US on the net endlessly. Maybe you should go fight against the Great Evil.
  9. Well they sure were during the election LOL
  10. Wow. Lookie. A graph that shows ups and downs. Maybe the loss of market value is caused by Socialist terror attacks on Tesla?
  11. You screamed that to the heavens, and more; You lost. We elected him, the majority of the country, the swing states. We read your list and laughed at you. Real Americans want their nation to thrive. You dont. You lost. Lost. Loser. And now you hate us all, your fellow citizens. Hate hate hate
  12. Im not going to Min Buri for a Google 4.6
  13. Just so its clear you have no evidence that would be believed by a normal breathing human being. You are in Lizard People, Flat Earth Territory.
  14. There are no thugs in my life. There are no 3am slobber drunk pant peeing nights fighting with ladyboys or hoes, or playing head skittles with Muy Thai bouncers. There are smiles and respect and my wallet is a backup. Y'all need a different milieu.
  15. To paraphrase the Socialist hero, Iosef Vissarionvich Dzugashvili: How many planes y'all got? So now you are saying you guys are tough enough for the Russkies all this time? If thats so, you owe us trillions since you have been hustling us, waaaaah daddy we are afraid. The good old days, T-34s galloping through the Sulwalki Gap, russians russians everywhere No, wait, they arent a threat now after we spent 350 bill and a bunch of Ukes to smash their pathetic military into smithereens. Glad you have confidence. Pony up then we are done.
  16. Yeah if the world cuts us off, Ill have to find a new toaster at a garage sale.
  17. Thats not how you guys act. Dont address it to me bro, you are the ex wife and the door is slamming shut. Seems like you got it all mapped out then? Figure it out, Im not even going to debate your skewed, simplistic facts. If your fellow Euros let you get away with it, bully for you guys then LOL.
  18. Yeah well the problem here in Siem Reap is even more deritus is winding up here since the Visas are so much easier. Because equinox is coming up (bet ya they hit 300,000 visitors this month) the cops are tossing out the flotsam and jetsam that other wise washes up here. Thats not even counting all of us oldsters, why pay Bangkok prices when you are too old for Bangkok attractions except on a once a month basis. Retirement Visa here and look decent and you are waved in and out.
  19. Well thats not the type of attitude that folks who make a successful life here have but if you want to play Bwana, dont expect folks to jump to your defense. I dont have a Thai wife and I do just fine. Attitude.
  20. Cant have utopia without the boss, and there isnt a better boss than us. We make the rules. You guys have your own worries. Our worry is China. Im sure you will get your chance to choose your master someday.
  21. In the real world, trust and respect get you nowhere. Fear gets you everywhere. Respect comes from the fear. You guys sound like whiney soon to be ex wives. Codependency is done and all your crying about unfairness and being mean and trust blah blah blah are just empty words. My suggestion should be perhaps devote your energy to important topics such as: How will Europe Replace Russian gas Should Europe Even the Tariff Playing Field Is a European Army Practical What Social Benefits need to be Cut to Pay for European Defense In Light of the Cowardly Nature of Western European Youth, Should the Eastern European form a Separate Military Bloc Whats Does Germanys Reversal of Class Interests in the Recent Election say about the future of Leftist parties in Europe How Does the Green Agenda affect European Power generation and Industrial Expansion But hey, you guys just keep whining about how mean we are. Thats important to you evidently. The above isnt.
  22. Take a cab
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