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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. OP, safe limits were doubles here compared to the rest of the world, with COPD, this is a very bad country to live in, that will shorten your life
  2. OP is not aware he will lose 25% of his money by sending it here ?
  3. if they bring some pills for the thai generals in exchange, a plane full will do...
  4. did people not die during covid lockdown from lung cancer ? did they stop burning during covid ?
  5. well I mean, did someone buy one here and tested with positive result instead of going directly to the blue pill or worse ? or is this to sensitive to admit one has a problem because most here are millionaire viral sex beasts with a new bargirl every other night and never experienced ED ?
  6. ED - penis pump - where to buy online ?
  7. air force got them toys, now it is time for the navy, next the army ?
  8. so ready to be burned and give people miles arounds a nice dose of cancer
  9. why not pay first for the MRT ? they only paid interest on what they owe...
  10. why is it that the real nr one with 60+ billion dollars is never on the list?
  11. in my home country, they call it swedes, but it are arabs and muslims, but you cannot say that anymore...
  12. only 1000x more what the bank give for savings, gross
  13. what they paid would be considered INTEREST
  14. google translate english to chinese ? house for sale 22 million baht ... and go make a cheap banner and add to your gate ? 待售房屋 2200 万泰铢
  15. my ex rented out our old house for years and never paid 1 satang tax soon she will be renting out 2 houses and get a good 100k a month, all black money...
  16. expats who live and spend here all year will get to pay 25% - 35% when they buy a condo, but not chinese and russian maffia's dirty money if they are not resident... logic... right ?
  17. did he hurt the fish? a speedboat throwing an anker does more damage or fisherman dumping a big net or an oil change or whatever...
  18. thailand as recent in the news, if you don't show your credit card, they move you and you might die... but not their problem and no serious fines either... 20 million, 30, 40 million tourists.... ask them euh... 100 baht on entrance and insured? off course nothing for expats living here that soon will pay taxes in return for NOTHING at all, free pm 2.5
  19. does every old man not get prostate cancer in the end , but rarely dies from it one thing goes, your erection... so is it worth it...
  20. from top to bottom, will never change unless death penalty would be a good punishment
  21. a dude in a dress, is still a dude, in a dress
  22. they don't care, even the tourists never come back, they got the money, today the only day that is important, tomorrow, they could be death spend now
  23. many decades ago, home country, an ex asian girlfriend found nothing better to do than to seduce a monk, get pregnant and then he split and went back to TH
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