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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. fall would be an accident suicide is what it is copy paste 'journalism' lol
  2. not another bull<deleted> story you give money to that woman, makes you dumb and her 'succesfull' lol....
  3. so all the chinese and russians buying condos and not staying half a year are not extorted 25-35% extra on top in exchange for absolutely nothing as people who spend here all year, seems fair, right....
  4. is everybody here on 2-3-4 pensions? and 2 million not enough???
  5. so everything he did for children's health and lawsuits to find out the real truth are all dismissed? good to see msm brainwashed most of you in believing everything they feed you
  6. funny how all 'bought' media berried the biden laptop story as ...
  7. strange that no thai has opened a restaurant with the available meat...
  8. an election promise bribe from the party that did not win the election and only scammed with other parties to get mr teflon back should not be honored...
  9. 4 years uni degree in angrit and hardly can speak a sentence... TIT
  10. the hotter it gets, the more people do crazy things well, there is yaba on top of the heat...
  11. 'A Thai man, believed to be a hotel employee, was heard trying to stop the foreigner' heard? hurt ? who writes this crap?
  12. yes new scam, international flights, with only carry on... crazy...
  13. the rich complaining and stealing from middle class or poor... same as usual do the billionaires in this country pay their fair share in taxes or park it outside thailand, you think...
  14. do not eat anything for 3-7 days and see if you finally feel better...
  15. you can start by removing or blocking yourself
  16. dowry for a grandmother age woman???
  17. Songkran festival sees Rama II Road works delay till June 2025 2025 ???
  18. so nice, but we cannot even buy a home in our name here...
  19. over 40, people don't need breakfast learn to intermittent fast, stop snacking, avoid junk, don't sit in the sofa for hours, eat green veggies, cut the rice, soda's, ... but it is difficult and most people want to take pills from a doctor then actually live more healthy
  20. maybe start billing right after the food is delivered?
  21. only in thailand, no need for quality or truth... defamation law to cover your ass
  22. can this troll get a pause from posting...clearly trolling
  23. i would file... just to be sure... you have to make photocopies of your passport which will have an entry stamp, no ?
  24. he means, prices will rise as big international cities, soon
  25. last year I had a THE WISDOM card from kasikorn and wanted me to be a 'reliable/respectable sponsor' for my mom to open an account on a tourist visa to apply for a conversion to a retirement visa... cold NO .... 10 mil in the bank and 15 year client with them was not reference enough for them moved all the money out, not that they cared...
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