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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. is it the imported culture of tolerance (lol) that is causing this wave ? I fled my home country so my daughters would not be insulted , etc... by those ....
  2. bike ride, where you cannot even safely cross a zebra crossing with green light
  3. solve , as in ? pay 10.000 baht per official per time he go ask one farmer not to burn ?
  4. funny how foreigners has to report every 90 days, get checked at home at least for the first extension and once a year checked for financials, and pay for the pleasure, and beg you did not forget a paper or the IO invent another one on the spot, but companies are not checked?
  5. Do you need anything more than a 12 month statement ? Is someone has a sample with redacted personal info...
  6. if possible, I would gladly take 5-10% PER YEAR for informal loans, but this is a Thai loanshark business only
  7. 150 Million? so do we expect to stand half a day in line to enter the country soon ?
  8. great journalism was he a bolt driver or was he killed because he was a bolt driver...
  9. blue light !!!! keeps you awake MD knows nothing about supplements, only know how to prescribe chemical pills and they all have side effects, dementia could be one...
  10. where to buy? what brand? how much mg... I really would love to try edibles...
  11. up it too 400 mg first and see and if it does not help max 800 mg
  12. anybody knows for samut prakarn office if it is 30 or 45 ?
  13. and... you get the same % ? my bank has promotions like 2.3% for this month, but next months it can be much lower, I don't see how they will honor the old % that was for a one time promotion... or is it just at a lower rate ? not a time to experiment for me, as I will only have 3 months left before I have to move out of my current place when I go extend... (with a forced move out as it was in my divorce agreement, well, I took care of my kids after divorce and when kids turn 20... have to leave)
  14. one capable of killing the girl and blaming it on whatever
  15. is this a typical thai thing where 'friends' end up beating each other up or kill ?
  16. imagine this happens in a resto in TH, you would get nothing and cannot name the restaurant...
  17. because granting automatic residency for expats retired or working, married with kids, would be too much to ask... the yearly paper mountain brings in easy money and FEAR
  18. so not shopee or lazada? hard to believe... but TIT
  19. no zoning laws, where your neighbor can wake up one day and start a noisy business next door in a residential neighborhood, or decide to get several dogs barking day and night
  20. well add xenophobia, double pricing, pm 2.5, ...
  21. thailand, hub of monopolies and price fixing... when cp owns 7/11, tesco, makro, big c?
  22. people wonder why my account has zero friends, as I only use it for marketplace and I feel no need to share my meals or places I went or whatever...
  23. immigration does not want movement on your account from the same day and I always wondered how impossible that would be as you cannot add money, only withdraw and lose all interest paid ...
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