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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. when is the farewell party any nice adult females for lease take over ? lol
  2. got the same at amphur... means nothing...join the line
  3. fragile ego, can they sue, the newspaper or ban the journalist for life ? lol
  4. finders fee... would be very expensive mama noodle in hot dirty water
  5. did mister T pay the billions owed in tax by the sale of shin ?
  6. lots of russian bitcoin millionaires apparently
  7. the money from abroad is crazy... thais do not need off course.... but my money was here 15 years ago... when I sold my house in home country... and converted to thb 2 years later as FCD account gave ZERO percent interest... and now... I cannot buy anything, and sending back my money out and back in, with the new tax law.... so rent it is...
  8. it's like maffia... my moo baan had 1 office for different 'phases'... they did the work... they decided to install a maffia local juristic in every phase, but for what exactly ? street cleaners and garbage was taken care for it... with ZERO more benefit or services they increased common fees by 20% to pay themselves...
  9. they can take it and try to sell for themselves...
  10. Thai MP opposes ranking seems he is too busy with fluff and taylor swift than actually serving the people, looooooooooooool
  11. wow and how will he stay here long time? elite visa ? looooooooooooool
  12. thank you that you actively want to separate me from my kids, after being divorced... early 50's and kids reached age 20....so no more guardian visa... maybe you use an agent because you don't have the financial requirement, i would propose to kick out all the agent users with no money.... happy?
  13. what do you expect in this me me me culture and not speak out off course, because could lose face and consequences... only 10 million?
  14. good luck, I tried FCD for USD and the answer was... THAI ONLY
  15. weird space where you can steal anything under 950$ ... who came up with that ? can go steal a tv, laptop every single day...
  16. start with ED fake visa's followed by anybody that used an agent... gooooood business...immigration like
  17. so they don't do 90 days and stuff? good guys are dumb...
  18. try to report them, but it probably will be your last 'service' you get in that office... btw, I am totally against corruption... costed me dearly...
  19. pepper spray, did it get out of fashion ? where are those expensive anti riot trucks they used against protestors?
  20. maybe because everything became more expensive, not that people want to spend more
  21. divorce is out of fashion or something? if you took in tinder, anything over 40...
  22. thai stocks are not worth investing in... maybe unless cp and the other monopolies... alcohol...sugar.... they never pay for the damages they create
  23. hub of cheating... you wonder why they want to be a teacher ? for the unlimited loans they cannot repay ?
  24. maybe thai cuisine should include elephant meat... so they don't kill only for the tusks
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