so there were no forced lockdowns (where was the science for that again) that led to the bankruptcy of many companies and more poverty ? there were no forced vaccinations to a point that in the west people would lose their job if they did not go with the flow.... the vaccine was not created in a lab ? the science was not on 8 mice for the booster ?
believing the science.. you still believe FDA does science or just agrees with big pharma that pays a big part of their budget and there is no revolving door between big pharma and FDA/CDC, where not people got a super paid job in big pharma after approving shots, boosters, more boosters ? if only people know the history of fines in court paid by them, for fraud, fake science, false advertisement, etc...
when covid started to be a thing, I ordered a proven drug, that became a supplement, briefly taken of the market on request of FDA and back to supplement...
and that was NAC, you know, to thin mucus IN THE LUNGS, when one get a cold or flu and used in emergency rooms in large doses for people who took too much tylenol, aka Acetaminophen Poisoning