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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. this could have ended in accidental death ... but the husband forgot his gun...
  2. what chinese comes here for 30 days, the legal minimum for airbnb well who am I kidding... what is the worst that can happen to the owners renting them out ? brown envelop brigade visit ?
  3. exactly with the taxi maffia in place, better go with bts as far you can go
  4. facebook market? dd property, hipflat, ...
  5. why does asean now not have a section??? with thousands of farangs... or does that cut in their ad revenue ? bahtsold is as good as dead...
  6. did they sit there for hours or sat down not knowing it was not free, tried to leave, but forced to pay... 20+ years ago, I went to pirate island and thought chairs were from the hotel we booked... my GF , thai, thought it was free, but I had a hunch.. some dude came up to collect but we said, no need, the beach is free... towel on the sand...
  7. thank you for your reply... rest of comments, as usual, why even waste your time... do you think having thousands of snarky useless comments to become a paid mod here one day ? make your gf buy...no she won't... if it goes pear shape... why do you think I ask about a legal registered lease or usufruct , not so dumb to pay a house and not a thing on paper, or better, on the chanote itself...
  8. imagine they also raped the woman and did not make that public...
  9. free TAT publicity followed by 12 ladyboy gold snatches soon
  10. at least it was not in the middle of a moo baan
  11. billionaires making deals how to get more, more, more... for themselves...
  12. but what do those women eat and put on their skins, lotions, make-up, fake tits that can leak... are those women slim like they used to be with small breasts or is it more common for the fattier women to get cancer as they are mainly fat...
  13. the little club of unelected people planning the new plandemic, how to extract funds to them... well stretta is part of the larger than life rich dudes
  14. the part realllllyyy needed to come from bangkok as there is no airbus spare parts in... ahum... Europe ?
  15. enough bribes paid for this comical show... no visitors, so was he even in the police hospital ? with billions at hand, was it just a doubleganger ?
  16. if the teacher sxxx then how can kids learn anything useful? rote learning and automatic passing the grade surprised thailand does not invent anything? just cheap copies ? cheap uneducated labor for slave wages are easy to control and manipulate...
  17. where was this ? even with an updated website, the local IO, gotten up the wrong foot/leg out of the bad, can ask for more papers nowhere mentioned but that smells a lot like ... give me a bribe or use an agent so they can get their cut of THE BRIBE
  18. would be a bit harsh to ask a new tm30 if you did not leave the country for years and still use the old copy of tm30 from last entry years ago... but TIT
  19. I am from some EU country and could vote but did not bother for the last 20 years... even you vote , the biggest party by votes, keeps on getting excluded by coalition of leftist parties that are all in to give away the country to illegals and non locals... hence the move here... and to prevent my daughter to be harassed by a certain imported group with different culture not compatible with the west
  20. yes, stupid idea, better rent... but I have some money but no investments and need a new place to live long term I will be paying for the townhouse but I need either a usufruct or lease added directly to the chanote in my name. a lease will be an extra 1.1% of the value of the lease, but as I am already paying for the townhouse, would avoid that extra cost, so is a usufruct a viable idea ? A Thai usufruct is an agreement in which one party confers upon another, full enjoyment of a Thai property. The usufructuary has an obligation to take care of the property as a person of ordinary prudence would take of their own property.
  21. schwab, is that the one where you need to put 25k usd first?
  22. if you call for an appointment (thai) for depression, you might have to wait 3 months before seeing a pill pusher
  23. in many 7/11 'drinks' there is hardly any milk... water, lot's of sugar, ... add flavor
  24. and the family got 30+ million? while a cambodian's family gets nothing or 5k
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