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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. save lives? from an hour in an elevator?
  2. imagine her getting a tattoo now of a box jelly fish...
  3. if the girls from the bars, can travel freely the world to exercise their profession, and earn 5 or 10x more abroad, or their pimp, pattaya might be empty soon after
  4. does he have family he can trust in his home country ? maybe he has children but they sure will not go spend their money in their eyes, to a child that is not even his... usufruct ends at dead and a lease cannot be inherited... so if OP dies, that is the end unless the lease is to an adult he trusts here in TH ... if he would manage to find a loophole, and the child is groomed as any narcissistic money obsessed adult, she will be guilted, at reaching adult status, so sadly give it up to the mother, her family, etc ... unless the OP can educate her financially and that this could be for HER future and not her undeserving mother, in the OP's eyes...
  5. as there is no trust in thailand... as I did not speak about trust... as the OP has a usufruct... as he can make a binding lease for 30 years, that sticks even after his dead... but needs a trust worthy person as lease holder... just adding the child to the chanote, so it cannot be sold as a minor, still needs consent, even from the 'father' if there is one that registered as being...
  6. governments have sticky fingers everywhere... a gift to someone can and will be taxed...
  7. don't be so harsh, this might be the last kind of family of the person and he wants to give a better future for this child of his ex... why give money to a stranger... if you give to a charity, 95-99% will stick to the fingers of the organization anyway....
  8. mine was 1 million limit only, lol... lowered to 100k immediately and about to lose mine as kbank the wisdom ... woehahaha... except you don't have to wait your turn, not much real service given... so moving to other banks...
  9. 50 year huh.. isn't there a dude that got 50 years for some WORDS , well you read the news...
  10. not without a family court's judge's consent, in theory only if it would benefit the minor
  11. NOT WITHOUT CONSENT of both the parents of the child you think the ex will allow this ?
  12. her mother, as a guardian, could have access to the funds pretending it is for the education...
  13. SOLUTION : as usufruct holder, YOU can make a lease of 30 years, even you die, the lease taker has the rights to the house... is there anybody you trust, that is adult and not your ex ? with a lease registered on the chanote, the ex will not be able to sell it...
  14. it was delivered by what company? they always take a pic at delivery...
  15. oh no another keyboard warrior...
  16. double price compared to other carriers?
  17. the cheap iron pills will be of the type the body cannot use the same stuff as in cheap supplements or even more expensive (c...trum) with all the WRONG type... zinc oxide, iron oxide, magnesium oxide... but lack of iron, pale white skin is one sign or tiredness, can also be linked to adhd...
  18. it is in the thai property law, so... land department, at least the one in charge of the place should know about it or quit his job, lol I do not intend to ever marry again, no need, I am on a retirement visa... the rental prices around here went up at least 35% post covid and the only way is up, not down, and would really prefer living in a townhouse then a shoebox condo.
  19. from 600.000 to 1.300.000 is (lol) not that much or was this interest for a month ?
  20. as always police never knows when there is an influx of illegal workers, or publicly known casino's, drug dealers or pimping
  21. will they distribute the new wealth for the population or just the regular billionaires and pollution if for the populas
  22. thailand claiming they don't make enough babies thailand complaining about not enough labor thailand complaining about flood of future slave labor
  23. will they use the army top to fly for free everyday so TAT can boost the numbers?
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