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bignok last won the day on December 5 2023

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  1. NZ or Tasmanian lamb be best.
  2. Thais hate lamb. They say it smells bad.
  3. 3rd option cut thru Hot and Mae Chaem
  4. I've had Khao Soi in 6 CM restaurants, 2 Bangkok restaurants, 1 Phuket restaurant, 1 in KK, 1 in Udon. The difference between the best and worst was maybe 25%. It seems like a really basic dish.
  5. Have you driven either of the above routes?
  6. Good mix of foods. I'd add beef n eggs though.
  7. Almonds are good energy source
  8. 20 years is a long time. I can click on your name and read you drivel.
  9. Been to over 60 Thai towns.
  10. 2 options
  11. Go Trump. Biden is totally senile.
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